Auto ads offer a simple and innovative way for you to monetize your content. With Auto ads, you place one piece of code on all pages across your site. Auto ads will then scan your site and automatically place ads where they’re likely to perform well and potentially generate more revenue.
The benefits of Auto ads include:
- They potentially increase your revenue. Auto ads analyze your pages and find new places to show ads based on your layout, content, and existing Google ads.
- They're easy to use. You only need to place one piece of ad code to get started. After you've placed the code, Auto ads will automatically adjust to any changes you make to your site and your ad settings.
- They let you tailor ads to your site. Auto ads settings give you control over where ads appear on your site.
- They're mobile friendly. Auto ads automatically adjust to every screen size. They also include mobile-exclusive formats such as anchor ads and vignettes.
How Auto ads work
Auto ads use Google's smart technology to:
- Understand your page structure
- Detect any existing Google ads on your page. (Note that we're not able to detect ads from other ad networks.)
- Automatically place new ads based on different elements such as your page layout, the amount of content on your page, and your existing Google ads. Occasionally, Auto ads might place two ads next to each other (regardless of the ads' network origin).
If you make a change to your site we'll detect it and reanalyze your page.
If you'd like Google to automatically place ads on your AMP pages, you can use Auto ads for AMP.
Success stories
Learn how to earn more from Auto ads with these tips from AdSense publishers: