
AdSense का बेहतर तरीके से इस्तेमाल करने के लिए, कृपया अपने AdSense पेज पर जाना न भूलें. यहां आपको अपने खाते के हिसाब से जानकारी मिलेगी.

आपने जिस पेज का अनुरोध किया है वह फ़िलहाल आपकी भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है. पेज के निचले हिस्से से कोई दूसरी भाषा चुनी जा सकती है. इसके अलावा, किसी भी वेबपेज का अपनी पसंदीदा भाषा में झटपट अनुवाद भी किया जा सकता है. इसके लिए, आपको Google Chrome की पहले से मौजूद अनुवाद करने की सुविधा का इस्तेमाल करना होगा.

वीडियो के लिए AdSense (AFV)

Technical quick start guide (AFV)

A getting started guide for engineers using the Google IMA SDK to serve ads on HTML5 web, Android or iOS video players.

A brief overview

AdSense for video operates using the Google Interactive Media Ads Software Development Kit (IMA SDK). This SDK allows you to request AdSense ads in order to more closely combine video content and advertising. These products are subject to the AdSense Terms & Conditions, AdSense program policies, and product-specific usage guidelines. Remember that inadvertent clicks originating from overly aggressive or faulty implementations will result in action up to (and including) account termination.

Requesting and rendering ads through the IMA SDK is a matter of setting up an ad request, loading the resultant ad, and playing it at the right time. You can test using the default publisher ID "ca-video-pub-4968145218643279". You will need to provide your account manager with an example of your integration before you are allowed to deploy ads to your site(s).

Integration options

Third-party video player

One of the easiest ways to monetize using AdSense for video is to select a third-party video player that already has the IMA SDK integrated.

The partners listed in the table below have the Google IMA SDK integrated that is required to monetize using AdSense for video, either directly or via Google Ad Manager.

IMA3: The latest video SDK

Partner HTML5 iOS Android Available guides                              
Akamai Supported Supported Supported HTML5 | iOS | Android
Anvato Supported Supported Supported  
Bitmovin Supported     HTML5
Blue Billywig Supported     HTML5 Supported   Supported HTML5 | Android
Brightcove Supported Supported Supported HTML5 | iOS | Android
Connatix Supported Supported Supported  
Dailymotion Supported Supported Supported HTML5| iOS | Android
Flowplayer Supported     HTML5
JW Player Supported Supported Supported HTML5 | iOS | Android
Kaltura Supported Supported Supported  
Limelight video (Edgio) Supported     HTML5
Mecloud Supported     HTML5
Mow Player Supported     HTML5
Ooyala (legacy) Supported Supported Supported  
Playwire Supported     HTML5
Radiant Media Player           Supported     HTML5
SambaTech Supported      
Shaka Player    Supported *     HTML5
THEOplayer Supported Supported Supported HTML5 | iOS | Android
Comcast Technology Solutions
(formerly "mpx/thePlatform")
Supported     HTML5
Veedmo Supported    
Vidazoo Supported     HTML5
Video.js Supported     HTML5

* Indicates that the partner is also certified for Dynamic Ad Insertion

Please reach out to the third-party video player partners for further information on using their services.

Proprietary video player

Publishers who wish to monetize with AdSense for video and have their own custom or proprietary video player will need to directly integrate the IMA SDK. The IMA SDK is available for multiple platforms:

Should you encounter technical issues during your integration of the IMA SDK, then the IMA SDK Technical Forum provides support for each SDK, as well as serving as a place to report bugs or SDK feature requests.

VAST and VPAID JS compliant video player

For publishers who have video players that aren't integrated with the IMA SDK, video content may still be monetized using the IMA Adapter tag if the player is compatible with VAST 2 or 3, as well as VPAID 2 JS standards. Note: the IMA Adapter is supported for web only.

A direct IMA SDK integration is always preferable because it enables more features than the IMA Adapter, including dynamic allocation, frequency caps, competitive separation, ad scheduling with ad rules and VMAP, among other features. If a direct IMA SDK integration is not possible however, the IMA Adapter can at least access demand from AdSense for video.

Once you have a chosen integration option, follow the AdSense for video setup guidelines to submit your implementation for review.

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