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AdSense revenue

FAQs about AdSense updating its revenue share structure

Google AdSense has updated its revenue share structure. Here are some answers to questions you may have about AdSense updating its revenue share structure.

Common questions about the revenue share structure update

Why is AdSense making these changes?

We are making two changes: updating AdSense’s revenue-share structure and moving to paying publishers by impression. These changes will provide a consistent way for publishers to compare the differing fees across the various technologies they use to monetize, and will provide even greater transparency into the media-buying process.

Will my AdSense earnings be impacted?

Based on our tests, we don’t expect publishers to notice a change in their earnings as a result of these updates.

Do I need to take any action?

No. These changes do not require any action from publishers.

Do I need to change my ad implementation for Auto ads or manual ad units?

No. There are no required changes to your ad implementation for either Auto ads or manual ad units.

Which AdSense products are affected?

The revenue share update affects AdSense for Content (AFC). This change does not affect AdSense for Search (AFS).

Will the move to per-impression payments for publishers affect the Google Publisher Policies?

No, this change does not affect the Google Publisher Policies.

Will the move to per-impression payments for publishers affect Confirmed Click?

No. Confirmed Click is a Google Ads product feature. This change does not affect how and when Google Ads applies Confirmed Click.

Learn more about Confirmed Click.

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