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About ad intent anchors

Ad intent anchors appear at the bottom of your page as a user scrolls, showing relevant terms that users on your page might be interested in. When clicked, the anchor opens a dialogue that shows users ads that are specific to the anchor that they clicked, helping increase your earnings.

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Desktop journey:

How ad intent anchors work

AdSense automatically shows ad intent anchors on your pages where we detect opportunities to help users find something that they're looking for. When a user clicks on an ad intent anchor, a dialogue opens with a number of relevant ads.

  • Ad intent anchors work best when paired with ad intent links.
  • Ad intent anchors don't affect your existing ads.


Do I have to use ad intent links to use ad intent anchors?

No. While ad intent links and ad intent anchors work best together, you can use either ad intent by itself.

Can I turn on ad intent anchors and anchor ads at the same time?

Yes, they can both be turned on at the same time. Anchor ads have priority, and we will only show an ad intent anchor when an anchor ad is not available.

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