
Please make sure to visit Your AdSense Page where you can find personalized information about your account to help you succeed with AdSense.

Resources to report violations

This article discusses resources to report violations, how to confirm a violation involves an AdSense ad, and how to report a policy violation. Use this information to help you report specific violations and follow the steps below depending on what violation you want to report.

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For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

Confirm a violation involves an AdSense ad

If you are unsure whether the violation involves AdSense ads, you can check the page source for the AdSense code. A good way to verify is to check the ad code in your browser's source code view.


  • Open the page that contains the ad code in your browser, and then view your page's source code.
  • In Chrome, right-click and select View page source or press CTRL + U.
Note: If any ads involved in the violation are not AdSense ads, we can't take action. Visit the AdSense Program policies in the Help Center if you have any policy questions.

Report a policy violation

We constantly review publishers for compliance with the AdSense Program policies. If you believe a site is violating the AdSense Program policies concerning content or ad placement on a site, you can use the Report a policy violation form.

Report invalid clicks on your site

If you suspect that invalid clicks may have resulted from a visitor to your site, review your site's logs for any suspicious activity. Use the Invalid clicks contact form to notify us about invalid activity in your account. 

Report content you think should be removed from Google

Use our Removing content from Google troubleshooter to report content that you believe warrants removal from Google's services based on applicable laws.

Report a violation for other Google products or services

While the AdSense team can’t enforce policies for other Google products, we've provided appropriate links for reporting other common product violations below. 

Note: If you can't find the product or type of violation you're looking for, you can visit Google's Help page for more information.


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