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Provide your seller information with sellers.json

Sellers.json is an IAB Tech Lab standard that increases transparency in the ads ecosystem and helps to combat fraud. Sellers.json works through a publicly-available file of seller information. Publishers can opt in to share their seller information in the file. This gives advertisers a reliable way to discover and verify the identity of publishers.

By default, only your seller ID is listed in the sellers.json file. We encourage you to make your information transparent and allow your business name to be listed too. This will help advertisers to verify your inventory. If your information isn't made transparent, advertisers won't be able to see your business name, which might impact your revenue. 

Note: It may take up to 7 days for the sellers.json file to be updated with your seller information.

Also note that only verified domains can be added. 

Sellers.json fields

The sellers.json file includes the following fields:

Field Description
seller_id 16-digit publisher code, e.g. pub-0000000000000000
is_confidential When true, the name and domain are not listed in the sellers.json file.
seller_type PUBLISHER or INTERMEDIARY or BOTH. If you own the app you're monetizing and/or you're paid directly by Google, then you're classified as PUBLISHER. If not, you're classified as INTERMEDIARY. If you belong in both categories, you're classified as BOTH.

Your seller name. This is the name shown in the Name and address section of your payments profile in AdMob. 

To view your payments profile, click Payments in the sidebar and then click Manage settings

Note: If you change your business name, this will result in an automatic payment delay of two weeks.

Your business domain (e.g. if you have one. If you do not have a web presence, this field can be blank.

If you're an INTERMEDIARY, this is the domain where your sellers.json file can be found.

Learn more about business domains.

How to make your seller information transparent

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Click the Account tab.
  4. In the "Account controls" section, click Edit next to Seller information (sellers.json):
    1. Select Transparent.
    2. (Optional) Add your business domain and click Verify
    3. Click Save

Your name, business domain (if provided), and your publisher ID will appear in the Google sellers.json file. The name in your billing profile is the name that will be exposed to advertisers. If you choose to update the name in your billing profile, it’s best to make changes after a billing cycle. Changes to the billing profile result in an automatic payment delay of two weeks.

In this example, the publisher has made their information visible in the Google sellers.json file. This is what advertisers see:
"seller_id": "pub-0000000000000000",
"seller_type": "PUBLISHER",
"name": "Example Company Inc."

Your business domain

Your business domain is the domain for your corporate entity, not necessarily the domain where inventory is being monetized.

Your business domain name may be hidden in sellers.json until we have verified that you own the URL.

Note: If you don't have a web presence or your account is set to confidential, you do not need to provide a domain.

Use the root domain. Domain names should not include “www” or the scheme (namely, “https://” “http://”, or “ftp://”). Your domain should use a public suffix. Top-level domains should not include the preceding dot.

  Use case Example
Supported Domain name and
Not supported Scheme
Not supported Prefix and subdomains and
Not supported Slash
Not supported Unsupported domain suffix and

Intermediary transparency 

An account with a seller type of INTERMEDIARY sells inventory in Google Ad Manager which is not owned by the account or is not paid directly by Google. For example, Multiple Customer Management parent publishers would qualify as an intermediary.

Intermediaries and accounts with a seller type of BOTH will have is_confidential set to false by default.

Your information in Google’s sellers.json file

Review Google’s sellers.json file at

If you have one or more accounts with AdSense, AdMob, or Ad Manager, you will appear in the sellers.json for each product. Your seller_id is unique to each product, but your transparency status and domain will be shared across all products. It’s not possible to be confidential for one product and transparent in another.

If you edit your business information for sellers.json in either AdSense, AdMob, or Ad Manager, your information will update across all products. For example, if you go into your AdSense account and activate Sellers.json transparency, this will automatically update your Ad Manager and AdMob accounts to also activate transparency.


Example Company Inc. has accounts for AdMob (pub-9876543210123456), AdSense (pub-1122334455667788) , and Ad Manager (pub-1234567890123456).

Example Company Inc. activates transparency in their Ad Manager account (pub-1234567890123456). Example Company Inc.’s AdMob account and AdSense account will automatically be updated and set to transparent.

When Example Company Inc. updates the business domain to in AdSense, their Ad Manager and AdMob accounts will automatically be updated to include the business domain

Find your information

  1. Download Google’s sellers.json file(right-click the link, and then click Save Link As).
  2. Open the downloaded sellers.json file.
  3. Use Ctrl + F (Command ⌘ + F, for Mac) to find your seller_id.
  4. Review your information.


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