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Understanding forecast results

Starting May 3, 2023, the forecasting feature will be discontinued in AdMob campaigns. This change will not impact your campaign performance.

The forecast results are displayed after a forecast has been run. You can think of the forecast results as an at-a-glance summary that projects click or impression availability. They're a quick visual overview of whether a campaign is likely to meet its goal and whether or not it’s likely to impact other campaigns along the way.

Detailed analysis

The availability of clicks or impressions will affect the likelihood of a campaign reaching its goal. When AdMob calculates a forecast, the estimated click and impressions are sorted into one of three categories: Available, Competing, or Unavailable.

Example of detailed analysis card in Ad Mob interface.

The detailed analysis is a visual representation of the estimated available, competing, or unavailable clicks and impressions.

Available icon.

Number or percentage of clicks or impressions that match the campaign's targeting criteria and aren't expected to be assigned to other campaigns of any priority. They are available to fulfill the campaign goal.

Competing icon. Competing

Clicks or impressions that may serve to this campaign, but are currently reserved by other campaigns. Because this campaign is competing with other campaigns for these clicks or impressions, they may not serve to this campaign and could cause the campaign to miss its goal.

Unavailable icon. Unavailable

Clicks or impressions that a campaign will not receive. This could be due to the campaign’s limited targeting settings or because there is not enough traffic to the ad units. 
Note that forecasts provided are solely for your information and interest. All forecasts are speculative and rely on assumptions and events in the future (some or all of which may not be satisfied or may not occur).

Competing campaigns

Competing campaigns are campaigns that compete for the same clicks or impressions. The forecast will provide the campaign name, schedule, goal, and lifetime progress of competing campaigns. 

If you've made changes to a campaign's settings, you may want to run the forecasts for competing campaigns again to ensure they aren't impacted by the changes.
The ad mob interface showing competing campaigns.


Based on the forecast results, AdMob may offer recommendations to help you meet the campaign goal. For example:

  • Consider reducing the goals of the competing campaigns or adjusting their goal schedules. Note that this will potentially impact those campaigns, so you may want to rerun the forecast for those campaigns before saving any changes to ensure they'll still meet their goals.
  • Consider selecting more ad units
  • Consider changing some of the targeting settings, such as targeting additional locations or adding more devices to increase the number of impressions

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Show your support to promote DEI in Gaming by turning intentions into action!

Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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