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Recommended interstitial implementations

In between page content, levels, or stages

If your app is a game with different levels or stages, consider placing an interstitial ad in between one or more of these stages. A break between levels provides a natural stopping point for the user and allows them to properly evaluate an interstitial ad. If your app is not a game but has many pages or sections, consider placing an interstitial ad after a number of screens or actions taken. Avoid placing an interstitial ad every single time the user does an action.

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The Ad Mob interface showing a recommended interstitial.

It is recommended that interstitial ads appear before the break page rather than after. Break pages often require a user to tap a Next button (or equivalent). Ads between levels and after a Next button can be surprising. It is strongly recommended that interstitial ads between levels or stages show explicitly before any Continue or Next level buttons. This behavior may reduce accidental ad clicks from users who unintentionally click the ad instead of the Next button.

If an app encourages frequent and/or repeated tapping by users, it is recommended that a delay is inserted after the end of a level and before the display of an interstitial ad. This delay could take the form of a loading or please wait screen, or a progress-bar/wheel. This offers users a chance to stop tapping the screen and consider carefully what appears next, and may help reduce accidental clicks.


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The Ad Mob interface showing a recommended interstitial.

Account for potential ad latency

Carrier network latency can potentially affect delivery of interstitial ads in your mobile app. This latency may cause the ad to appear on the user's screen at inopportune or unintended times. Consider what the user may be doing in the time window that the interstitial ad is expected to appear, and consider pre-loading your interstitial ads to reduce latency when displaying them to your users. For more information about pre-loading your interstitial ads refer to the AdMob Interstitial Ad developer guidelines for apps developed for Androidand iOS.

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Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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