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About app readiness

Note: In 2024, we’re rolling out a new step in the app setup process in AdMob. To have your app reviewed and approved to fully serve ads, first verify your app with an app-ads.txt file. Learn more about this change

When you set up a new app in AdMob, your app must be reviewed and approved before it can fully serve ads. This helps us create a clean and safe ads ecosystem for you and your advertisers. It also provides you with a unified, at-a-glance view of all your apps and their approval status with actionable feedback.

In order for your app to be reviewed:

  1. Your app must be published. This means that your app is available to users. 
  2. Your app must be listed in a supported store. This means that your app has a store listing and is available for download from that app store. 
  3. Your app must be set up correctly in AdMob and linked to a supported store. Follow the instructions for how to set up an app in AdMob. If you already set up your app as unpublished, follow the instructions for linking to an app store

When your app is linked to at least one supported store, the review process will automatically begin checking things like the app source and compliance with AdMob policies. These checks help ensure that the apps entering our networks have high inventory quality and bring value to the users and advertisers. 

Note: If you recently reactivated your account, you’ll need to specifically request an app readiness review to restart ad serving on your app.

During the review, apps may experience limited ad serving. Reviews typically take 2-3 days, but in some cases we may require more time to evaluate your app. You can check the status of your review and your app’s ad serving in your AdMob account.

Once your app is approved, the ad serving limit on the app, where applied, will be lifted and you’ll be notified via email and in the All apps page of your AdMob account. 

If your app is not approved, you’ll be notified via email and in the All apps page of your AdMob account. Learn more about disapproved apps

Understanding your app’s readiness status 

You can monitor the status of your app’s ad serving and review process:

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Apps in the sidebar.
  3. Click View All Apps
  4. In the list of apps, find your app and check its status. Use the search bar to search by app name or ID, package name or store ID. 

The table below shows the statuses and what they mean.

Status What it means
Getting ready 

We’re reviewing your app. This usually takes a couple of days, but in some cases we may require more time to evaluate your app. 

Note: If you recently signed up for AdMob, your apps will remain in the "Getting Ready" status until your account is verified. Enter your payment details to have your account verified. 

Requires review Your app hasn’t been reviewed yet. To have it reviewed, you must link your app to a supported app store. You can link a supported store to your app in the All Apps or App settings pages and submit for review. 
Needs attention You need to fix some issues before your app is ready to show ads. To view details about the issues found in your app, go to the Policy center in your AdMob account. Then, click the Disapproved apps tab.

Your app is ready to serve ads. We’ve either lifted the ad serving limits put in place during the review or confirmed readiness for ads.

To prevent any interruption in ad serving, make sure you follow the AdMob program policies and Google Platform policies at all times. Our monitoring services and teams are continually reviewing your apps. If your app receives a policy violation, you’ll be notified of the details via email and in the Policy center of your AdMob account. 

Note: If you recently reactivated your account, your app’s status is Request review. This means that ad serving in your app is disabled until your app is reviewed and approved again. Click Request review to submit your app for an app readiness review.

What to do when your app is not ready to serve ads

If your app has been disapproved, you’ll be notified via email and in the All Apps page of your AdMob account. You can find the apps that are not ready to show ads in the Disapproved apps tab in the Policy Center. Disapproved apps will have disabled ad serving, which means that all advertising is blocked on your app. 

Screenshot of the Ad Mob Policy Center with a red box around disapproved apps tab.

Click Fix to learn more about the issues found. This will take you to the Issue details page where you’ll see a description of the issue and instructions on how to resolve it.

After you’ve taken the required steps to fix the issue, or if you believe your app has been incorrectly labelled with an issue, you may request a review of your app. Click Fix, confirm you’ve made the changes, then click Start review process.

Common reasons your app isn’t ready to serve ads

Use the table below to learn about the reasons your app might not be ready to serve ads. 

Issue What you can do
Your app doesn’t adhere to program policies.

This means that your app is not currently in compliance with program policies. Review the AdMob program policies and the Google Platforms Program policies, and address any issues your app may have.   

After you’ve taken the required steps to fix the issue, or believe that an issue has been incorrectly labelled, you may request a review of your app in the Disapproved apps tab of the Policy center. Click Fix next to the app, confirm you’ve made the changes, then click Start review process.
Your app couldn’t be verified. 

This could be due to an issue with the information you provided about your app:

  • Check that you’ve entered your store ID, package name, or app name correctly. Ensure there are no typos. 
  • If you’re using a package name from a third-party app store, make sure you’ve copied the package name directly from the respective store.
If you linked the wrong store ID or package name, you can clear the app store details and link it again. 
Your account hasn't been verified yet.

When you first sign up for AdMob, your account must be verified before it’s approved to serve ads. To have your account verified, you must enter your payment details. The verification process typically takes up to 24 hours, but in rare cases can take up to 2 weeks.

Note that apps will remain in the "Getting Ready" status until your account is verified.

Note: You can't link private Google Play apps to AdMob. All Android apps must be publicly available in a supported store in order to link to AdMob.

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