Under the Google EU user consent policy, you must identify each ad partner that receives the personal data of users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK and provide information about the use of that data. Ad partners (including Google and other ad networks, ad partners, vendors, bidders, and ad sources) use data about your users, for example, to show them personalized ads or to report on conversions.
When using the IAB Europe Transparency and Consent Framework, you select ad partners while configuring your European regulations settings in the Privacy & messaging tool.
Select ad partners
We encourage you to use these controls to select your preferred list of ad partners to work with, regardless of whether or not you use Privacy & messaging as a CMP. We built controls for you to choose the ad partners you work with so you are in control of the activity on your sites and apps. Learn more about using Privacy & messaging across Ad Manager, AdMob, and AdSense
If you don’t engage with the controls, the commonly used set of ad partners will serve. The commonly used set comprises the ad partners representing the most revenue to publishers from EEA and UK users from all programmatic demand sources. To streamline the set up of European regulations messages and prevent configuration errors that might impact ad serving by Google platforms, Google is selected as an ad partner by default (as Google Advertising Products) and can’t be deselected.
Our EU User Consent Policy requires that you clearly identify each party with whom data will be shared. So whether you use a custom set of ad partners or use the commonly used set, you will need to list these providers for your users.
How are the selected ad partners used?
The list of ad partners you select will be used in the following scenarios:
- To send ad requests generated by users in the EEA or the UK to the selected ad partners.
If you’re using Google’s Privacy & messaging European regulations messages: To obtain consent for the selected ad partners and provide a list of the ad partners to users who view your messages. The list appears on the “Ad partners” page of your European regulations messages.
The ad partners you select will be applied to all new European regulations messages you create. You can also add newly selected ad partners to your published messages.
Ad partners list
Adding ad partners to published European regulations messages
You may need to add ad partners after you publish your consent message, either because you are adding an ad partner for which you had not initially requested consent, or because an ad partner was recently added to the IAB Global Vendor List (GVL) or Google ATP list and you now want to use them for their services.
In either case, when you add ad partners to published messages, you need to decide whether or not to ask users that have consented to the earlier set of ad partners to now consent again to the newly added ad partners.
Complete the following steps to add ad partners to your published European regulations messages:
- Sign in to your AdMob account at https://admob.google.com.
- Click Privacy & messaging.
- Click European regulations.
- Click Settings.
- In the "Choose the type of ads you want to show" section, select Personalized ads.
- In the "Select ad partners" section, click
- Select ad partners in the "Your ad partners" list to add them to your consent messages. Choose from the following options:
- Commonly used ad partners: Use a preselected list of ad partners.
- Custom ad partners: Select the ad partners you want to use individually. The list of commonly used ad partners is automatically selected when you choose this option, but you can deselect them individually in the list.
Note: You can select up to 700 ad partners. If you exceed this limit, the changes to your European regulations settings won’t save.
- Click Save. All European regulations messages shown to first-time visitors will use the updated settings.
- In the dialog that appears, click Re-prompt if you want to ask visitors who previously consented to make new selections based on the updated settings. If you choose not to re-prompt returning visitors, their previous selections will continue to be used.
Removing ad partners from published European regulations messages
Complete the following steps to remove ad partners from your published European regulations messages:
- Sign in to your AdMob account at https://admob.google.com.
- Click Privacy & messaging.
- Click European regulations.
- Click Settings.
- Deselect ad partners to remove them from your European regulations message.
- Click Save. Your changes are reflected in all messages published for the app or site.
Add GDPR-certified mediation partners
Occasionally, new mediation partners are GDPR-certified with Google and become available for use with European regulations messages. When new GDPR-certified mediation partners become available, a notification will appear on the "Your ad partners" page in your account to let you know that the list has been updated. Click Add on the notification to select any new mediation partners that aren't already selected and add them to the ad partners list for European regulations messages.
The following mediation partners are GDPR-certified with Google and can be used as ad partners for European regulations messages.