Jul 10, 2019

When determining viewability does ActiveView use tab Infocus or window InFocus?

I am looking for technical specifications on how ActiveView determines if pixels are infocus. I am seeing two types of possible determinations: tab infocus OR window infocus. Does anyone know which ActiveView utilizes?
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Recommended Answer
Aug 21, 2019

Glad to hear that my feedback helped. That is what we strive to do here. It would be great if you can mark the most helpful answer(s) as Recommended as it allows future posters to understand which solution to use. 

Coming to the question at hand, the values present in the mtos parameter are millisecond measurements  and the sequence represents a list with descending order of percentage viewability. Let me explain this in detail. Actually mtos is an acronym that stands for Time on screen in milliseconds.  

To be specific, Google defines the list as:

And correlate it with the image we had used earlier

As you can see, the mtos values are:
1099, 1099, 1099, 1099, 1099,

The first  thing you'd notice is that all values in the list are the same. This means that the creative was on the screen for 1099 milliseconds only, which is probably because I took the reading and closed the browser. 

Ad Manager says that as long as the 3rd value in the list is greater than 1000, the Ad is counted as viewable. This makes sense because the interpretation of the statement is that 50-74% of the ad was viewable on the screen for more than 1 second.

In your case, I assume that you may be scrolling through the creative too fast in the initial load and checking the lower part of the page as well which makes the initial values become 0. Eitherways, that is fine as long as you're viewing the creative. 

All of this is mentioned in this Ad Manager support center article (link) that you can keep in handy. 

Gold Product Expert Bablu Chakma recommended this
Recommended Answer
Jul 12, 2019
Hi Kristen, 

I believe that you are referring to the onFocus method in HTML scripting. ActiveView measurement doesn't use onFocus for Tabs or Windows. Instead, it uses a host of other parameters, most importantly the mtos parameter to check how long an Ad has been in the viewable portion of the screen. This is for Display ads, Video ad viewability metrics are supplied by this and the VAST response. 

You can find this by opening the Developer tools (Inspect Element in Chrome) in an active page that has ads. Navigate to the Network section and search for "activeview?xai". The corresponding Network call will have the details for the Active view measurement. 

The two most important parameters here are:
  • &p: This gives the pixel coordinates of the creative and if the difference between the coordinates doesn't match the Creative size (accurately or approximately), this means that the Creative is not Active view measurable. 
The pixel coordinates are in cartesian which means that you will have to take the difference of the 3rd and 1st coordinate pair and the 4th and 2nd pair. So, if the coordinates are: 

p: 129,73,219,801

Then the Creative dimensions will be: 

Width: 801 - 73 = 728
Height: 219 - 129 = 90
  • &mtos This gives the duration for which the creative is viewed in the active portion of the screen. The value must be > 1000 for the creative to be considered viewable. 
In-stream Video viewability also requires the duration for which the Video was played, this data can be retrieved from the VAST XML response. 

Hope this helps. 

Gold Product Expert Param Bhatia recommended this
All Replies (11)
Recommended Answer
Jul 12, 2019
Hi Kristen, 

I believe that you are referring to the onFocus method in HTML scripting. ActiveView measurement doesn't use onFocus for Tabs or Windows. Instead, it uses a host of other parameters, most importantly the mtos parameter to check how long an Ad has been in the viewable portion of the screen. This is for Display ads, Video ad viewability metrics are supplied by this and the VAST response. 

You can find this by opening the Developer tools (Inspect Element in Chrome) in an active page that has ads. Navigate to the Network section and search for "activeview?xai". The corresponding Network call will have the details for the Active view measurement. 

The two most important parameters here are:
  • &p: This gives the pixel coordinates of the creative and if the difference between the coordinates doesn't match the Creative size (accurately or approximately), this means that the Creative is not Active view measurable. 
The pixel coordinates are in cartesian which means that you will have to take the difference of the 3rd and 1st coordinate pair and the 4th and 2nd pair. So, if the coordinates are: 

p: 129,73,219,801

Then the Creative dimensions will be: 

Width: 801 - 73 = 728
Height: 219 - 129 = 90
  • &mtos This gives the duration for which the creative is viewed in the active portion of the screen. The value must be > 1000 for the creative to be considered viewable. 
In-stream Video viewability also requires the duration for which the Video was played, this data can be retrieved from the VAST XML response. 

Hope this helps. 

Gold Product Expert Param Bhatia recommended this
Jul 12, 2019
Here's a screenshot that should also help:

Jul 12, 2019
Thank you. Does this mean that in the instance that a user have one tab on on monitor and another on another monitor that both tabs can be considered viewable?
Jul 13, 2019

Yes both tabs will be considered viewable. At the same time, it is important to remember these things:

1. Viewability depends on each creative not tab or window. If there are any issues with the creative and it's not enabled for viewability measurement, then it won't matter even if it's on the active tab.

2. Two tabs may be considered for viewability but only the viewability of the active tab will be recorded. However, if both tabs are active (for dual monitor systems), then the viewability data for both will be recorded. 

Hope this helps.
Aug 20, 2019
Hey Shaibal,

Just following up on your great feedback (which has helped us a lot separately), do you have any idea why in the mtos parameter the first two numbers record as '0' each time even though the creative has served and is 100% in view? We're trouble-shooting our viewability and notice this a lot, and fine it strange as we're seeing the creative fully load on the page.

Recommended Answer
Aug 21, 2019

Glad to hear that my feedback helped. That is what we strive to do here. It would be great if you can mark the most helpful answer(s) as Recommended as it allows future posters to understand which solution to use. 

Coming to the question at hand, the values present in the mtos parameter are millisecond measurements  and the sequence represents a list with descending order of percentage viewability. Let me explain this in detail. Actually mtos is an acronym that stands for Time on screen in milliseconds.  

To be specific, Google defines the list as:

And correlate it with the image we had used earlier

As you can see, the mtos values are:
1099, 1099, 1099, 1099, 1099,

The first  thing you'd notice is that all values in the list are the same. This means that the creative was on the screen for 1099 milliseconds only, which is probably because I took the reading and closed the browser. 

Ad Manager says that as long as the 3rd value in the list is greater than 1000, the Ad is counted as viewable. This makes sense because the interpretation of the statement is that 50-74% of the ad was viewable on the screen for more than 1 second.

In your case, I assume that you may be scrolling through the creative too fast in the initial load and checking the lower part of the page as well which makes the initial values become 0. Eitherways, that is fine as long as you're viewing the creative. 

All of this is mentioned in this Ad Manager support center article (link) that you can keep in handy. 

Gold Product Expert Bablu Chakma recommended this
Aug 21, 2019
Thank again Shaibal, I've marked the most recommended answer above now. We've created a test page for a 970x250 to serve above the fold. When inspecting the active view pixel firing on page load when the creative is in full view, we still see the first 3 numbers record as zero which is very strange as I say we don't down and the 970x250 stays in eyesight the full time, screenshot can be seen here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/15wrRfYNyZZaGgsCfFnqYlS4tKt0I-rha/view?usp=sharing
Can you spot anything that might be causing this?
Aug 22, 2019
Hi Shaibal,

We would be interested to understand why the Google Demo pages have three 0s if you can share any light please?

Kind regards
Sep 3, 2019
Thanks Shaibal
Sep 3, 2019
Hey Chris, 

I absolutely missed the notifications for this! I am so sorry. I will check this and get back to you soon. 

Sep 3, 2019
Hey Chris,

This is a very interesting question. In fact, if I think about it I have seen many such Ad calls. I have not been able to narrow down to the root cause but I just created test case. I'll explain this and my hypothesis below.

I checked the time taken for the slot to load and it registered 7 seconds. After this, I scouted the net for some sites which use AdX and found that Fox News shows mtos values > 1000 for all time slots as shown below: 

The time taken for this slot to load is almost instantaneous. I have not been able to share both videos (I'm not sure why this portal or Google drive isn't letting me). 

After this, I checked the Wait time for both pages and Fox news has registered much lower Wait times as you can see here:

Now, this is not a registered reason on any site in the internet (including Google). However, going by the definition of mtos and the trends that I see, I suppose it is reasonable to associate the Ad load time to the Active view measurements because the Impression and Active view pixels would be fired simultaneously. 

At the same time, I would urge the other experts to check in on this and provide their suggestions as well. The more we discuss on this, the more we can understand the nature of things. 

I hope this has helped, even if a little bit, and I am very sorry again for not responding earlier. 

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