Ad Exchange in Ad Manager Data Transfer
Access more detailed information about Ad Exchange events in your network
Ad Manager Data Transfer contains information to help you better understand events transacted through Ad Exchange.
Add fields to your Ad Manager Data Transfer configuration
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Admin
Data transfer.
- Click Impression or another file to which you'd like to add a field.
- Click edit, under "Data transfer configuration."
- Click into the area containing a list of all included fields, and choose the fields you'd like to add.
- Click Save.
Data Transfer fields related to Ad Exchange auctions
Field name | Description |
| Advertiser Name of the advertiser that won the auction. |
| Ad Exchange account ID The ID of the Ad Exchange (AdX) account that served the ad query. |
| This field is deprecated. The concept of an anonymous impression no longer exists in Ad Manager. |
| Buyer Name of the buyer that won the Ad Exchange (AdX) auction. For video pods, this is a list of winning buyers, separated by the pipe ( | ) character. |
| Ad Exchange deal ID ID of the Ad Exchange (AdX) or Ad Manager deal that applied for this impression. Blank if no deal applied. In backfill files, this field only displays data for your primary Ad Exchange account. |
| Deal type Type of deal (see also "DealId"). Possible values:
In backfill files, this field only displays data for your primary Ad Exchange account. Reservation files only contain “Programmatic Guaranteed” and “Preferred deal” types. |
| Unique event identifier Unique event identifier (hashed key). Each impression or other event from a single query has a unique value. |
| Unix time of an event The Unix time (also known as epoch time) of an impression or other event in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. |
| Mobile app ID Mobile application ID that requested the ad.
| Requested language Language code associated with the ad request. A two-letter ISO 639-1 Alpha 2 language code. May be optionally followed by a hyphen and a two-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 lowercase country code. For example, "pt" or "pt-br". In most cases, the |
| Seller Reserve Price Bid floor set by the seller publisher, after the revenue share. For example, "1.58" or "3.216667". This field only displays data for your primary Ad Exchange (AdX) account. This field will display a zero (0) for any non-guaranteed line items. |
| DFP yield partner ID ID of the yield partner in a yield group that won the Open Bidding or mediation for mobile apps auction. If Ad Exchange wins, this field is blank. |
| Ad Manager yield group names In Open Bidding and mediation for mobile apps, where Ad Exchange doesn't win, this field displays the yield group name of the winner. If Ad Exchange wins, this field displays all competing yield group names, separated by pipe ( | ) characters. |
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