The Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) is a new Brazilian privacy law that is due to go into effect on August 16th, 2020. It applies to the processing of personal data, which can include online identifiers, of users located in Brazil. We are committed to supporting advertisers, publishers, and other partners as they work to comply with the LGPD and will work with them to make this transition as smooth as possible.
Learn more about the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)
Only ad technology providers that have shared a link with Google explaining their data usage, provided certain information, and agreed to comply with our data usage policy will be permitted to serve and measure ads for Brazilian traffic. If there are ad technology providers that you work with on reservation campaigns that are not on the approved ad technology providers list, you can allow them at the network level through the European regulations settings. Google will then enforce reservations serving based on the LGPD ad technology providers list together with the self-declared URL list.
Specify network-level LGPD settings for reservation creatives
Declare ad technology providers that you work with on reservation creatives. Reservation creatives are associated with non-programmatic line items, including guaranteed (Sponsorship and Standard) and non-guaranteed (Network, Bulk, Price Priority, and House).
Google will check for any ad technology providers that you declare when determining whether reservation creatives are eligible to serve.
Complete the following steps to declare ad technology providers for reservations for your entire network:
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Privacy & messaging.
- Click
on the European regulations message type card.
- In the "Check creatives for consent" section, enter the URLs of any owned ad technology into the Add custom ad partner URLs field. If you use any ad technology owned by you or your company on your site or app, such as a content delivery network, enter the URL, domain, or subdomains to ensure the ad technology won't be blocked in reservation requests. It is your responsibility to ensure that the use of any URLs you enter is compliant with relevant privacy legislation.
- Click Save.
Ad technology providers declaration status
Google scans all creatives to detect the declared ad technology providers. This scan also detects any ad technology providers that have not been declared and lists them so that you can update the declarations on the user consent settings.
Possible statuses include:
- Incomplete: At least one detected ad technology provider wasn’t declared at the network level or on the creative. Action may be required; review the creative.
- We found ad technology providers that you haven't declared: No action is required as publishers have no obligation to make any declarations on their reservation creatives. Additionally, declaring vendors that are not in the LGPD-certified list might block all reservation campaigns.
- We found unknown URLs that may affect serving eligibility: Action may be required if the referred technology is owned by you or your company on your site or app, such as a content delivery network. Otherwise, ad technology providers that are not listed can contact Google to seek certification.
- Complete: All detected ad technology providers have been declared, either at the network level or on the creative. No action required.
- Dash ("-"): The creative hasn't been scanned recently because it isn't active and its status may be out of date. Represented by a dash ("-"). No action required.