Declare authorized sellers

Review the authorization status of your domains

Check regularly to ensure that all of your seller accounts are authorized in an ads.txt/app-ads.txt file posted to your root domain. To view your domains and accounts, their authorization status, and the impact on your queries (ad unit requests):

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Ads.txt management.
  3. Choose Web or app:
    1. The Web ads.txt tab is displayed by default for the ads.txt file.
    2. Click the app-ads.txt tab to see the app-ads.txt file.
  4. Click Filter Filter to limit the view by domain name or status.
  5. See the authorization status under the “Status” column.
    Status Explanation
    No ads.txt/app-ads.txt file found No ads.txt/app-ads.txt was found when the domain was last crawled. Learn more about ads.txt/app-ads.txt.
    No seller accounts authorized None of your linked seller accounts are in the ads.txt/app-ads.txt file posted on this domain.

    Only linked Ad Exchange seller accounts are supported at this time. Please sign in to your AdSense account for ads.txt/app-ads.txt notifications related to domains monetized through AdSense.

    Some seller accounts authorized Only some of your linked seller accounts are in the ads.txt/app-ads.txt file posted on this domain.
    All seller accounts authorized All of your linked seller accounts are in the ads.txt/app-ads.txt file posted on this domain.

Update ads.txt/app-ads.txt

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Ads.txt management.
  3. In the “Action” column, click the Fix or View link in the appropriate row to edit the file’s settings.

    This opens the version of the file most recently crawled by Google. If changes have been made since we last crawled your domain, this file may be out of date.
  4. Validate your syntax.
  5. Make the required corrections.
  6. Copy the updated text and paste it into your ads.txt/app-ads.txt file.
  7. Send the file to your webmaster and have them upload it to your root domain.
  8. After 24 hours, ensure the updated ads.txt/app-ads.txt file can be crawled.

Read the ads.txt/app-ads.txt FAQs for more help with domains.

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