Trang bạn đã yêu cầu hiện không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn. Bạn có thể chọn ngôn ngữ khác ở cuối trang hoặc dịch nhanh mọi trang web sang ngôn ngữ mà bạn chọn bằng cách sử dụng tính năng dịch được tích hợp sẵn trong Google Chrome.

Mục hàng

About vCPM

According to comScore, nearly half of all ads are never actually visible, or seen by users. This happens for a number of reasons. For example, the ad:

  • Is too far down the page and never reached by the user.
  • Loads slowly so the user leaves the page before seeing it.
  • Is not visible in the user’s current screen resolution.

Active View is Google’s proprietary ad viewability solution. It’s built into all of Google’s display ads products and helps determine how likely it is that an ad was actually seen by a user. Ad Manager uses Active View data to determine viewable impressions, or the impressions on the site that were viewable out of all measurable impressions.

Active View is based on the Media Rating Council (MRC) viewability measurement standard.

The Ad Manager vCPM (transacting on viewable impressions) feature further utilizes the data from Active View so you can:

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