Unlink creative from a creative template

When you unlink a creative from a creative template, you create a custom creative based on the custom template. Once you unlink from a creative template, you have access to the snippet code, which would not otherwise be possible; you can then make edits to the code without affecting the original template or any creatives on which it's based. This can be useful if you want to:

  • Add code to a creative built off of a creative template for a specific occasion.
  • Benefit from building creatives based on a template, but want to detach from the template to prevent future changes to the template from affecting existing creatives.

To unlink a creative from its template

You can only unlink a creative from its template upon initial creation, but not after it's been saved.

  1. Create a custom creative—from either a user-defined or system-defined template.
  2. Select the Unlink from creative template checkbox.
  3. Make your selections within the template.
  4. Click Save. The creative is saved as a custom creative. You can now make edits to the code snippet. Any changes to the creative template code will not transfer over to these creatives.

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