
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Audience segment composition

Only available in Google Ad Manager 360

Audience Solutions is a Google Ad Manager 360 feature which might not be turned on for your network.

Each member of an audience segment represents an audience identifier associated with a user's device. As your audience segment collects members, you can see a breakdown of what audience identifiers compose the segment by clicking Inventory, and then Audience segments in Ad Manager.

In the table that lists all audience segments, the columns below display information about the audience segment member composition:

  • Total size: The number of members currently in a segment.
  • Mobile web size: The number of mobile web identifiers that comprise a segment.
  • AdID size: The number of Android app identifiers (identified with an AdID) that comprise a segment.
  • IDFA size: The number of iOS app identifiers (identified with an IDFA) that comprise a segment.
  • PPID size: The number of identifiers, identified by a publisher provided identifier (PPID), that comprise a segment.
A few things to keep in mind
  • These totals are updated periodically throughout each day.
  • The Mobile web, AdID, IDFA, and PPID size values are rounded to two significant digits (for example, "22,000" instead of "22,382") and if there are fewer than 50 members in any category, Ad Manager displays 0.
  • The total size of an audience segment must be at least 100 before it is eligible for ad serving. We use statistical modeling and sampling to estimate the segment total size, so the size shown might not exactly match a number of identifiers uploaded. Small audience segments are subject to a higher variance in model estimates, so using lists with at least 150 members is recommended.
  • Each audience segment size updates every 30 minutes but it might take up to 48 hours for the update to display in Ad Manager.
  • The "Total size" isn't necessarily the sum of "Mobile web size," "AdID size," "IDFA size," and "PPID size." This is because "Mobile web", "AdID" and "IDFA" size values are rounded, but the "Total size" value is not rounded. Also, some of these identifiers might already be accounted for in other metrics, and the "Total size" doesn’t double count them. For example, if a mobile web identifier is also identified by PPID, they are only counted once toward "Total size."
  • "Total size" and the other segment sizes above are updated by different pipelines, so you might notice discrepancies between these numbers in the Ad Manager UI, as each pipeline could have different refresh timings and delays.
  • For third-party audience segments, the "Total size" value shows how many identifiers are provided in the segment, but doesn't necessarily reflect the total amount of unique impressions you'll get from the segment. This could be because some identifiers are stale or based in another country.
  • When uploading audience segments via provided lists, note that the segment types in the uploaded files might not match 1-to-1 to the segment types in the audience explorer.

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