Creatives with Campaign Manager 360 tags can be found in Delivery Creatives, where creative ad type is listed as Campaign Manager 360.
You may also be able to review Campaign Manager 360 tags that need approval in Delivery Creatives
Needs review.
A Campaign Manager 360 tag (sometimes called an "internal redirect") is a creative that is hosted by Campaign Manager 360. Similar to third-party creatives, a Campaign Manager 360 tag is used to retrieve a creative asset. However, Campaign Manager 360 tags are not sent to the user's browser. Instead, they are processed internally within Campaign Manager 360 and Ad Manager systems.
Campaign Manager 360 tags are used to serve ads to sites because they help simplify the trafficking process, reduce latency, and prevent counting discrepancies between Ad Manager and Campaign Manager 360.
If the other network has nothing to serve, the Ad Manager ad server will roll back the Campaign Manager 360 tag creative. This is sometimes called a "rewind." The ad server will then re-run the selection process and pick a different creative or line item, intentionally excluding the original Campaign Manager 360 tag creative. The end result is that more real ads are shown to users and fewer blank ads are delivered.
You can create a new Campaign Manager 360 internal redirect creative with additional query string parameters.
Here's a sample exported tag:;sz=300x600;dc_sdk_apis=[APIFRAMEWORKS];dc_omid_p=[OMIDPARTNER];dc_tdv=1
Traffic manually-delivered Campaign Manager 360 tags
The best practice is to always book Campaign Manager 360 tags using the "Campaign Manager 360 tag" creative type as described here. Using this creative type saves you from having to add any additional macros for click tracking, and keeps the discrepancy of clicks between Campaign Manager 360 and Ad Manager under 2%.
The Campaign Manager 360 tag creative format doesn't allow for additional formatting of the creative code. If you require this capability, you'll need to traffic the tag as a custom creative. You must manually add click-tracking macros when a Campaign Manager 360 tag is trafficked as a custom creative, and you should expect to see a larger discrepancy in delivery numbers reported by Ad Manager and Campaign Manager 360.
Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
Click Delivery
Click New creative.
Begin typing to search for the advertiser whose creative you're adding. Each creative is associated with one advertiser. When you've found the right advertiser, click OK.
Click Campaign Manager 360 from the list of creative types.
Enter creative details
Enter the "Name" for your creative.
Select the "Target ad unit size" where the creative should deliver.
Enter the "Redirect URL," which is the URL of a creative hosted on Campaign Manager 360 or Google Ad Manager.
Under "SSL compatible," the default is to automatically detect whether the creative is compatible with SSL pages, which begin with
. To set the status manually, select Manual from the dropdown. Enable the Compatible option to serve the creative to secure pages. -
Under "Orientation," select which layout the creative can appear as: Portrait, Landscape, or Any.
Under "Labels," you can select a label to set a frequency cap across your network or on specific ad units.
(Optional) Enter multiple "Third-party impression tracking URLs".
These are the URLs of third-party tracking services. The trackers are pinged when the creative appears and can contain Ad Manager macros. Note that these URLs are not supported for creatives with an actual size of "Out-of-page." -
You can enter "Custom fields" to organize objects in reports.
- Click Save.
If you've selected a creative for upload that doesn't match the ad unit size you specified, you'll receive an error message when you save. Select Allow creative size to differ from ad unit size to resize the ad unit.
For example, if you upload a 400x400 creative to a 300x250 ad unit, Ad Manager will accommodate the larger creative. Or, if you upload a 200x200 creative to the same ad unit, the creative would only occupy 200x200 pixels on your page.
Traffic automatically-delivered Campaign Manager 360 tags
This feature might not be available in your network, and currently works only with publisher-paid placements from Campaign Manager 360, which are advertiser placements for which the publisher (that's you) is responsible either for all Campaign Manager 360 advertising fees or for the Studio uplift fees.
If your network has made a prior agreement with a Campaign Manager 360 advertiser, the advertiser can deliver Campaign Manager 360 tags directly into your Ad Manager network. You can then approve or reject the fees for these creatives. When you accept, the creatives are added to your network and ready to be added to line items.
To traffic Campaign Manager 360 tags that have been delivered to your network automatically:
Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
Click Delivery
Campaign Manager 360 campaigns.
Use filters to find the creatives you want to approve, then select the checkboxes for them.
Click Review.
In the pop-up, enable Accept CM serving fees and click Approve.
The creatives are now added to your network. You can add them to line items and start delivering them.
To find the creatives you've just approved, you can use the Status is Approved filter. If you want to begin adding them to line items, click Creatives in the left-hand navigation. By default, the most recently modified creatives are listed first. If you've just approved creatives, you should find them at the top of the page.
In-app conversion tracking in Campaign Manager 360
If you use internal redirects for in-app conversion tracking with Floodlight, there is no need to explicitly include a MD5-hashed advertising ID (IDFA / AdID), as these are automatically sent with the internal redirect.
Internal redirects between two Ad Manager networks
For some special setups and scenarios, you may also want to use internal redirects to traffic tags between two Ad Manager networks. You can follow the process described above, with the following constraints:
- The tag used for the redirect URL in the first network must be a Tagless Request URL.
- The second network will not be able to use dynamic allocation with Ad Exchange to fill the impression.
- All key-values from the original request are carried forward to the internal redirect request. For example, if the tag that issued the request to Ad Manager contained the key-value "color=blue", the internal redirect request automatically contains the same key-value.
- Key-values that are automatically carried forward can not be overwritten with the "t=" parameter of the simplified URL tag.
- Active View does not support internal redirects from one Ad Manager network to another. If attempted, only the originating network will measure Active View signals; the network being redirected to won't measure Active View.
As is the case for Ad Manager to Campaign Manager 360 internal redirects, rewinds are supported.
Reduce latency with Campaign Manager 360
Because Campaign Manager 360 tags are processed entirely within the Campaign Manager 360 and Ad Manager servers, with no requests to any other servers, there is no increased latency. If Campaign Manager 360 tags are used, it takes no longer to serve a Campaign Manager 360 creative than a hosted creative.
Campaign Manager 360 tags aren't supported for Programmatic Direct
See the available features for Programmatic Direct.