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Conceptos básicos de los informes de Ad Manager

Export, share, or copy an Interactive report (Beta)

You can export, share, and copy Interactive reports.
Example showing controls such as "Export" and "Share" in an Interactive report

For example:

  • Use export to download a report in a selection of file types.
  • Use share to send a report to other users on your network.
  • Use copy for a customizable version of a shared report.  

Export a report

To use export, your report needs at least one metric. Note that exported reports always use the flat table structure, even if you chose to display your data in the hierarchical structure within Ad Manager.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting, then Interactive reports.
  3. In a report, click Export.
    Currently supported export types include CSV, Google Sheets, and Microsoft Excel.
  4. Under "Data to include," make your selections:
    • Export all rows: Includes all rows in your report. Check this box to include data that otherwise might not display due to table level filters or hidden columns.
    • Include fields added for formatting: Includes ID fields and end dates related to certain dimensions such as line items and ad units. 
    • Include totals row: Includes a row with the total for count metrics, or the average for percentage and rate driven metrics. 
  5. Under "Delivery," select a delivery method:
    • (CSV or XLSX files only) To download the report, click Download.
      Currently supported delivery methods: Download
  6. Click Export.

Share a report

You can share reports with anyone on your network that has the reporting permission. Shared reports are view-only for recipients, but they can make a copy for a customizable version.

To share a report

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting, and then Interactive reports.
  3. Create a report or open an existing report to share. 
  4. In the report, click Share Share, and then choose an option:
    • Selected users: Shares the report only with the users you enter or select in the "Add users" menu.
    • Anyone in my network: Shares the report with anyone in your network who has reporting access.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: If your report doesn’t have a name, you’ll be asked to enter one.

To view a report shared with you

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting, and then Interactive reports.
  3. Next to "Filter by," click Shared with me.
  4. Click the name of the report.
  5. (Optional) For a version of the report you can customize, click Copy Click to copy.
    You become the owner of the copied report, and can edit as needed. 

Copy a report

To save time with report setup, you can copy an existing report. The copy adds "Copy of" to the title, which you can rename. Once copied, the new report is ready to use. You can find your copied reports (along with all your reports) on the "Interactive reports" page.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Reporting, and then Interactive reports
  3. Click the name of the report you want to copy. 
  4. In the top-right corner of the report, click Copy Click to copy
  5. Update the title of the new report and make other changes as needed.
    Note that your new report is saved as a draft until you rename it.  

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