Line items

Collapsible anchor ads for mobile web


This article describes an enhancement to Google Ad Manager's anchor ad format, called Collapsible anchor ads.

Similar to collapsible banner ads for mobile apps, collapsible anchor ads appear at half of the screen height. Users can immediately collapse them to the standard anchor size.

Note: In Google Ad Manager, reservations are not currently supported for collapsible anchor ads.

On this page

Note: During the initial launch, users see a maximum of one collapsible anchor ad per 10 minutes, per subdomain. Subsequent anchor ads on the site remain at the standard size until the frequency cap is reached.

Collapsible anchor ad

An example of a collapsible anchor ad in an expanded state

A user visits a mobile web page and sees a collapsible anchor ad.

Anchor (collapsed)

An example of a collapsible anchor ad in a collapsed state

The user can immediately collapse the ad to its standard anchor size.

Anchor (dismissed)

An example of a collapsible anchor ad in a dismissed state

The user can expand the ad to its standard anchor size.

Collapsible anchor ads appear in portrait mode only.

Enable collapsible anchor ads for your inventory

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Inventory, then Inventory rules, then Size settings.
  3. Click to edit an existing inventory rule or click New inventory rule.
  4. Target your eligible top and/or bottom anchor placements on mobile web.

    Codeless ad units are also supported.
  5. In the "Collapsible ads" section, select Enable collapsible anchor ads for mobile web.
  6. Click Save.
Note: During the beta period, collapsible anchor ads are available for your Open Auction inventory.

Traffic collapsible anchor ads

You can learn more about anchor ads, including how to tag your web pages, and to set up your ad units, placements, and line items, in the Get started section of the anchor ads documentation.

Report on anchor ads

Use the Inventory format dimension to see how anchor ads are performing compared to other formats.

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