Delivery basics

Access bidders by demand channel

You can access bidders for different demand channels under “Bidders” in Ad Manager: 

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Delivery, then Bidders.
  3. Review the cards for available demand channels.
  4. To access bidders in a demand channel, on a card, click the link.
    Example of the "Bidders" page in Google Ad Manager

Available demand channels

You can access bidders through the following demand channels:

Authorized Buyers 

A group of buyers (Ad networks, trading desks, and demand-side platforms) that have programmatic access to Google Partner Inventory through Google’s Ad Exchange.

Google Partner Inventory refers to a large pool of ad inventory provided by websites and apps that have partnered with Google. These partners grant Google the right to sell their ad space programmatically (like, through automated bidding and buying processes).

When an Authorized Buyer bids on this inventory through Ad Exchange, they're essentially competing to show their ads on these partner websites and apps. The highest bidder wins the opportunity to display their ad.

Learn more about Authorized Buyers

Open Bidding

Invited third-party demand partners compete for your inventory in a single auction with real-time, server-to-server bidding. Here’s an overview of the setup:

  • Each publisher and demand partner must have an established contractual relationship with one another.
  • Publishers create a company for each demand partner, and then target inventory with a yield group.

Learn more about Open Bidding

SDK Bidding

Allowed third-party buyers buy your mobile app inventory and render creatives in your app by using an SDK owned by the buyer (as opposed to using the GMA SDK). Here’s an overview of the setup:

  • Install the buyer's SDK in your mobile app.
  • Allow SDK Bidding, enabling secure signals, and adding ad unit mappings for the mobile inventory and formats you want to support.

Learn more about SDK Bidding 

Header Bidding

Programmatic bids from ad networks are collected on a publisher’s webpage before making the ad request to Ad Manager. 

Learn more about Header Bidding (Prebid)

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