Share deals to buyers with the same bidder

This feature is in Beta
Features in Beta phase might not be available in your network. Watch the release notes for when this feature becomes generally available.

Google Ad Manager now allows you to create deals that can transact across all buyer seats belonging to the bidder a given deal is negotiated with. This beta feature is currently limited to CPM-based deals with Display & Video 360 buyers.

To use the new deal sharing functionality, agencies should first create a deal in their DSP. Once the deal is created, publishers can choose buyer permissioning settings to allow the deal to transact on the bidder level instead of buyer only, allowing agencies to share the deal with their partners or seats.

Choose buyer permissioning settings

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Sales, then Proposal line items.
  3. Click the name of the deal you'd like to edit.
  4. Under Additional settings, locate Buyer permissioning settings.
  5. Select Bidder to enable cross-partner sharing or Buyer only to continue as is, without cross-partner sharing.Google Ad Manager proposals details page showing "Buyer permissioning settings" located in the "Additional settings" section.

When "Bidder" is selected, bids are accepted from all seats within the DSP. If "Buyer only" is selected, bids are only accepted from seats that have been granted specific access to the deal.


  • Publishers cannot see which partners or advertisers are bidding on a deal beyond the partner seat ID where the deal was initially created.
  • Publishers cannot restrict permission to specific advertisers. 

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