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About collapsible banner ads (Beta)

Collapsible banners initially show the selected banner placement as a larger overlay with an option to collapse the expanded banner to a standard banner size. The collapsible banner ad is the only format that allows users to minimize an ad, giving them control of their experience.

Collapsible banner ads also offer more room to convey the advertiser’s message, which provides better visibility and higher click-through rates.

Note: In Google Ad Manager, reservations are not currently supported for collapsible banners. 

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Click to view a collapsible banner example

Collapsable Banners

Get started with collapsible banners

Apps that have some static user interface screens (like utility apps or game information screens) are a good fit for collapsible banner ads. You can use them in any existing banner ad placements, such as content loading screens, end of game screens, or any other page transitions.

To implement, you don't need to create a new ad unit or ad slot. Simply add an extra parameter to an existing anchored adaptive banner slot to request a collapsible banner ad to show. Learn more about implementing collapsible banners for iOS and Android.

Note: We don't recommend requesting a collapsible banner for every anchored adaptive banner, as this may be disruptive to the user experience.

Enable collapsible banners without a code change

Google Ad Manager publishers can activate collapsible banner ads through the front-end for trafficking and inventory management without altering:

  • Demand eligibility: Your existing demand sources and configurations remain unchanged.
  • Mobile app UX design: No alterations are required to your current app layout.
  • GMA SDK integration: The Google Mobile Ads SDK integration in your app remains unaffected.

Publishers can directly enable collapsible ads from the front-end.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click InventoryInventory rules, and then Size settings (Beta) .

  3. Create a new Size setting entry.

    Size settings allow you to control when and where your inventory is eligible for Ad expansion and contraction.

    • Under "Targeting," you can specify targeted inventories, and pick the corresponding banner placement to enable a collapsible ad.
    • Under "Collapsible ads," you can enable collapsible banner ads for top or bottom placement.

Eligibility Requirements

The following are eligibility requirements for collapsible banner ads:

  • Existing anchored adaptive banners: This front-end solution is specifically designed for mobile apps that already use anchored adaptive banners.
  • Portrait mode only: Collapsible ads will only be enabled when the user's mobile device is in portrait orientation.

Best practices for implementation

Ad placement

  • Any banner ad can be upgraded to a collapsible banner as long as it adheres to the required policy and guidelines.
  • Collapsible banners must be placed on static user interface screens, as this will minimize any user experience disruptions.
  • Collapsible banners will only work with anchored placements (on the top or bottom of the screen) for both regular banners and adaptive banners.
  • Collapsible banners can be placed on top of scrollable content.


  • We recommend a moderate refresh rate (180 seconds or greater) for collapsible banner ads. Spacing out the ads optimizes for revenue and the best user experience. To avoid showing these ads too frequently, the refresh rate must be no less than 30 seconds.


  • Collapsible banners follow the same policies as regular banners. Their usage should adhere to all Google Publisher Policies. For more details, visit Overview of banner ads.
  • Collapsible banners should not be placed on non-static screens, such as during gameplay. These are moments where unwanted clicks could likely occur and lead to enforcement for spam clicks.
  • Collapsible banners can only be anchored to either the top or bottom—they can’t float in the middle or anywhere else on the screen. 

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