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YouTube Partner Sales Help Center Redirect

No access

Hello there! Access to this Help Center is restricted to YouTube Partner Sales program participants only. If you are part of this program, please refer to detailed instructions below on how to access, based on your role: 

(1) A 'YouTube Partner Sales' Partner:

  • Visit the help center at
  • Make sure you’re logged-in via the Google account associated with your official email address (see top right) 
  • If you’re able to successfully access the help center, you will see the right information.
Accepted Not accepted

Before troubleshooting below, is there an alternative way to reach support?

You can reach our team directly through the Ad Manager 360 UI. Use the “Contact Us” form on the Google Ad Manager help center, found here, using the same steps as below. 




I am unable to access the Help Center. How can I troubleshoot?

  1. Clear your browser cache and cookies, or open the browser in Incognito mode.
  2. Visit and sign-in via the option at the top-right corner. 
  3. Use your official email id and Google account password to login.
    1. If you don't have a Google account associated with your official email id, please create one via Instructions here.
  4. Once you have successfully logged in via the Google account associated with your official email id, visit this link to access the HC. 
  5. If you’re unable to find answers, you can submit the request via the "Contact Us" option at the bottom. 

If you’re still facing issues, please reach out to your YouTube Account Manager.


(2) A 'YouTube Partner Sales' Platform partner:

  • Please access Dedicated Platform partner Help Center
  • If you continue to be redirected here, please troubleshoot as per first three points in (1) 
  • If all methods do not work, please request your corresponding YouTube Partner to reach out to our team here requesting for Platform partner Access on your behalf.

(3) A user requiring support outside of YouTube Partner Sales:



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