Text-to-speech output

With text-to-speech, your device can convert text input and play audio aloud.

Update text-to-speech settings

  1. Open your device settings Settings app.
  2. Select Accessibility [and then icon 9214174] text-to-speech output.
  3. Choose your preferred engine, language, speech rate and pitch.
    • The default text-to-speech engine choices vary by device. Options can include Google's text-to-speech engine, the device manufacturer's engine and any third-party text-to-speech engines that you've downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Tip: To hear a short demonstration of speech synthesis, press Play.

Install voice data for another language

  1. Open your device settings Settings app.
  2. Select Install voice data.
  3. Choose the language that you want to install.

Get help

For more help with Android accessibility, contact the Google Disability Support team.

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