Recent Groups list explained

This page is for administrators who manage groups for an organization. To manage groups for an account that ends in, go to Google Groups help.

When you perform an action in a group, such as posting a message, you often see that group in your Recent Groups list. If you notice:

  • That the number doesn't increase—You reached the maximum limit for the number of recent groups displayed for that group type. 
  • An unrecognized group in the list—A group's owner or manager might have added you to that group.

Groups appear on the list when a user views a group's conversation list or a specific conversation thread. 

Limits clarified

The Recent Groups list displays up to 20 groups internal to your organization, plus 20 public groups. For example, if you recently viewed the conversation list for 20 groups from your organization and:

  • 20 recent public groups—The recent groups count shows 40, because you’ve reached the limit for both types of groups.
  • 5 recent public groups—The recent groups count shows 25.
    If you view a conversation list or thread in another: 
    • Internal group—The count stays at 25: The 20 most recent groups from inside your organization, plus the 5 recent public groups.
    • Public group—The count increases to 26: The 20 most recent groups from inside your organization, plus the 6 recent public groups 

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