If you purchased your domain name from a Google domain host partner while signing up for a Google Cloud product, we configure your domain's DNS records to work with Google services. To use your domain with services not provided by Google—for example, to host a web site using a third-party provider—you can configure your DNS records yourself.
We can't tell you what DNS records or values to use with a third-party service—you'll have to contact the third-party provider for that information. But you can access your DNS settings to enter this information by going to your Google Admin console.
To configure DNS records for a third-party service:
- Find out which DNS records to enter for your domain by contacting your third-party service provider.
- Go to Domains > Advanced DNS settings in your Google Admin console to access and update your DNS records with this information. For details, see Access DNS records from a partner host.
You can also transfer your domain to a different domain host.