Create a default blank template

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This article is for administrators of the classic Google Sites (no Publish button at the top right). Get help for administrators of the new Google Sites.

By default, classic Sites lists Google's Blank Site template first on the site creation page. If users choose no other template, this is the one they'll use when creating their site.

However, if you're featuring your own templates on this page (rather than Google's), you should create your own Blank template. It can be the same as Google's, with no particular design or content. Or you can tailor it for your organization, by adding a logo to the header, a page background image, or some other common element.

  1. Create a site that will be your default Blank template. Customize it however you want.
  2. Add the site to your template gallery. Name it whatever you want, but Blank Site works well.
  3. Go to your Google Admin console and highlight the template to be the first template listed on the site creation page. Learn more.

When users in your domain create a site, this template will be selected by default.

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