Understand Chat usage with analytics

With Google Chat analytics you can get insight into how your organization uses Chat. Use analytics to see who your power users are, identify teams or departments with low adoption, and understand how people use Chat. You can query analytics data programmatically or access them from the Reports and Usage report areas of the Admin console.

Chat analytics usage

On the analytics page of the admin console you can see info about:

  • Active users: See how many people are actively using Chat. You can view different levels of activity, like reading messages, sending messages, and reacting to messages.
  • Messages sent and messaging patterns: Find out how many messages people are sending and what kinds of messages they're sending. You can review data on regular messages, video messages, audio messages, and more. You can also see how many messages are internal vs external. 
  • Spaces activity: Shows you how many spaces people are creating and how active those spaces are.

Chat analytics can help you understand how your organization is using Google Chat. For example, you can use it to:

  • See if there are any teams or departments that aren't using Chat very much. You can then provide training or support to help them get started.
  • Identify your power users. You can then ask them for feedback on Chat or ask them to help train other users.
  • See how people are using Chat's features. This can help you decide which features to focus on in training and support, or what policies to roll out to your organization.

Access Chat analytics in the admin console

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Click Reportingand thenApps Reportsand thenGoogle Chat.
    • To change what reports you can view and in what order, click Manage Reports.
    • To download report data click Download next to the report you want to access.

Access analytics data programmatically

You can use the CustomerUsageReports.get and UserUsageReports.get methods in Admin SDK Reports API to get Chat analytics data. You can also query Audit log, the activities.list method in Reports API, and the Security Investigation Tool to access original chat event data used to compute the analytics data.

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