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Manage how users set credentials for their data sources

Data credentials determine who can see the data that is provided by a data source. With the Allow users in this org to be the credential owner for any data source setting in the Google Admin console, Looker Studio administrators can manage whether users in their organization can set data credentials for the data sources that they have permission to edit.

This setting is enabled by default for all new data sources.

When this setting is enabled, data source editors can perform the following tasks:

  • Configure the type of data credentials that the data source uses to manage access to its underlying data
  • Manage the identity of the data credential owner

When this setting is disabled, data source editors can't configure a data source's data credentials, and all newly created data sources use Viewer's Credentials.

To manage this capability, Looker Studio administrators must follow these steps in the Google Admin console:

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Select the Features card to expand the configuration options.
  3. Select Owner's Credentials.
  4. Setthe Allow users in this org to be the credential owner for any data source setting to on or off, as appropriate.

Things to know about this setting

When this setting is enabled, a data source editor can specify that a data source use Owner's Credentials. With Owner's Credentials, any user can view data from that data source as if they are the data source credential owner — even if that user doesn't have access to the underlying data.

If a Looker Studio administrator turns off this setting, any existing data sources that have a data source owner within the organization and that were configured to use Owner's Credentials must use Viewer's Credentials. Users who don't have access to a data source's underlying data may lose access to any Looker Studio content that is based on that data source. Re-enabling this setting restores the original Owner's Credentials to those data sources.

Some connectors are pre-configured to use only Viewer's Credentials, regardless of whether this setting is enabled.

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