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Manage access to unconfigured third-party apps for users designated as under 18

This feature is available only with Google Workspace for Education editions.

Users designated as under 18 by the age-based access setting are blocked from using unconfigured third-party apps. An unconfigured third-party app is any app that isn't yet configured with an access setting (trusted, limited, or blocked) in the Admin console. Learn about age-based access settings.

Note: Users over the age of 18 including educators can make proxy requests on behalf of other users.

When a user designated as under 18 tries to access an unconfigured app, they’ll be blocked, but see a message with the option to request access. Note, for some Android apps, users will be blocked, but might not get the option to request access.

When a user requests access, you can configure access for the app as described below.

If you selected Allow users to access third-party apps that only request basic info needed for Sign in with Google (under the Unconfigured third-party apps setting for users designated as under 18), users designated as under 18 only need to request access to an app if the app asks for more than the basic information required to use Sign in with Google (name, email, and profile picture, if any). You’ll need to review just those apps that ask for more data, and if appropriate, configure access settings for them.

Note: Google Workspace Marketplace apps might have different configuration steps. For details, go to Manage Marketplace apps access for users designated as under 18.

Important: For users under the age of 18, your organization is responsible for obtaining parental consent, if required by applicable law, before allowing these users to access third-party apps.

Google Workspace for Education Admin Console: How to review third party app access requests

Configure access for requested third-party apps

In the Admin console, you can review third-party apps users designated under 18 have requested access to. For apps you want to allow these users to access, configure access settings using the steps below.
Note: You can always unconfigure an app for users at any time using CSV bulk upload. Learn more

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. On the home page, at App access control, you see:
    • Apps pending review—How many apps users designated as under 18 have requested access to.
    • User requests—The number of users who requested access.

    Note: Multiple users might have requested the same app.

    Click Review apps.

  3. In Apps pending review, the requested apps are sorted by the number of user requests.

    Tip: Before deciding which apps to configure access for, review the information for each app:

    • User requests—The number of users who requested access to the app
      Note: At User requests, click the number to see which users requested access to the app.
    • Org units with requests—The number and name of organizational units in which users requested access
    • Requestable services—Google data the app previously requested to access from Google users

      Click the app name to see app details.

  4. To review requests by type, click Add a filterand thenRequest type, and choose an option:
    • Click Individual for apps requested by individual users.
    • Click Proxy for apps requested by users on behalf of other users.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. For apps you want to make accessible to users designated as under 18, point to the app and click Configure access.
  7. For apps you want to block for users designated as under 18, you have two options:
    • Leave as is—If you don’t configure access within 6 months, the app is removed from the list.
    • Dismiss or block the app—Point at the app and click Dismiss to remove it. Or, you can configure access for the app and choose Block to prevent it reappearing in the list.
  8. Check the box for organizational units you want to configure access for.

    Note: You can select up to 10 organizational units. If you’re configuring more than 10, use bulk updates. Learn about bulk updates.

  9. Click Configure access.
  10. (Optional) Under Scope, update the organizational units to configure access for, if needed.
  11. Under Access to Google data, select one of the following access settings and click Continue. The setting you select is applied to all organizational units selected previously under Scope.
    • Trusted—Users can sign in with Google to the third-party app and the app can request access to Google data, both restricted and unrestricted Google services.
    • Limited—Users can sign in with Google to the third-party app and the app can request access only to unrestricted Google data.
    • Specific Google data—Users can sign in with Google to the third-party app and the app can request access only to user data from the OAuth scopes specified.

      Note: You must include the Google sign-in scope to allow users to sign in with their Google Account.

    • Blocked—Users can’t sign in with Google to the third-party app and the app can’t request access to any Google data.
  12. Review your selection and click Configure access.
  13. (Optional) To let users know the outcome of their request, check the Notify users who requested access to this app box.

    Users get an email letting them know if their request or proxy request was approved or denied.

  14. (Optional) To let users know the outcome of a proxy request made on their behalf, check the Notify users proxy requests were made for box.

    Users on behalf of whom proxy requests were made get an email letting them know whether they have access to this app.

  15. Click Configure access.
  16. Read the Confirm parental consent notice and click Confirm.

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

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