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Hide a user from the Directory

You must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.

If a user doesn't want to share their profile information in your organization's Directory, you can hide their profile. When you hide a user in Directory:

  • Their profile information won't autocomplete when other users enter addresses in services like Gmail and Calendar
  • Their profile information won't appear in other users' Contacts Manager
  • Their profile information won't appear in Cloud Search results

Hide a user's contact information

  1. Sign in with a super administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using a super administrator account, you can’t complete these steps.

  2. Go to Menu and then Directory > Users.
  3. In the Users list, find the user. If you need help, go to Find a user account.
  4. Click the user’s name to open their account page.
  5. Click User information.
  6. Click Directory sharing and then Turn off .
  7. Click Done.

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

To let other users find a user's information in the Directory, click Directory sharing and thenTurn on . Click Done to save your changes.

Hide many users with a batch request

If you have many users that you want to hide from Directory, you can use the Directory API to do a bulk update.

Create a batch request to set includeInGlobalAddressList to false for the users.

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