Turn pan tilt zoom home setting on or off

As an administrator for your organization, you can allow users to set the home position on supported devices with a pan tilt zoom camera. You can also prevent users from changing the home setting on a particular device when the room is set up. 

Prevent users from changing the home setting from the touchscreen

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Go to Menu and then Devices > Google Meet hardware > Devices.

    Some features may require having the Manage devices privilege for Google Meet hardware.

  3. Click the device that has the pan tilt zoom camera.
  4. Click Device settings.
  5. Point to the section and on the right, click Edit .
  6. Next to Camera home position, turn the switch On  or Off .
  7. Click Save.
  8. If you have more than one device with a pan tilt zoom camera, repeat the steps for each device.
    Note: This setting will not prevent the home position being set by the camera’s remote control. For details, refer to the camera’s manual. 

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