Supported editions for this feature: Chrome Enterprise Premium
The Chrome high risk users report provides an overview of users who have encountered the highest number of unsafe Chrome-related events. Users are ranked by the number of unsafe attempts from all threat categories.
Using the data from this report, you can contact users to make sure they're aware of these threats, and train them to change their behavior.
View the Chrome high risk users report
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
Go to Menu
Security > Security center > Dashboard.
Requires having the Security center administrator privilege.
- Go the panel titled Which users have encountered the most threats?
In the bottom-right corner of the panel, click VIEW REPORT.
Chrome high risk users graph
At the top of the Chrome high risk users report, a graph displays the users with the highest number of unsafe events. You can customize the report to view data from Today, Yesterday, This week, Last week, This month, Last month, or Days ago (up to 180 days).
The graph displays statistics for the following categories:
- Malware transfer
- Unsafe site visit
- Password reuse
- Sensitive data transfer
- Unsafe attempts
Click any data point in the graph to view more details about category on specific dates.
View more details related to Chrome high risk users
At the bottom half of the Chrome high risk users report page, view a table with a list of device users ranked by the number of unsafe attempts. The number of unsafe attempts is the sum of attempts from all of the threat categories: malware transfer, unsafe site visit, sensitive data transfer, and password reuse.
By default, the table displays data for the time range specified at the top of the page.