
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Create teams

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Access & authorization and then Teams.
  3. Click New team.
  4. Enter a name for your team and a description, if necessary, to help you and other users understand the purpose of the team or how it was set up.

  5. Next to “Associations,” you can opt to Include all companies or Include all ad units in the team. These checkboxes can only be selected when there are no individual company or ad unit associations for this team. The table below the checkboxes lists any such individual associations in read-only format. To remove individual associations: Once you remove all such individual associations, the respective checkbox on this page will become selectable.
  6. Add users.
    1. Click Add teams to show a list of all users in your account.
    2. Start typing the user's name to narrow the list
    3. Click the name of the user you want to add. Repeat to add all users who belong to the team.
  7. Choose whether team members can Edit or View other team members' orders, including the line items and creatives within each order. These are orders that are assigned to other users on the team.

You can deactivate teams you no longer need by changing their status to Inactive. This hides the team from the list and prevents new associations. It doesn't affect companies, inventory, or users already assigned to the team.

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