
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Track conversions and user activity

Create and edit activities

As part of ending support for Activities and conversions (Spotlight), activities will be discontinued on February 22, 2024. Learn more

Create an activity

To create an activity, you first need to create an activity group.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.

  2. Click Admin and then Activity groups.

  3. Find and click the activity group where you want to add an activity.

  4. Click New activity.

  5. Enter a name for the activity.

  6. Choose the activity type:

    • Page views (Counter): Tracks conversions for each time a user views a webpage.

    • Daily visits (Counter): Tracks conversions for visits to a webpage, but only counts one conversion per user per day, even if a user visits the page multiple times.

    • Custom (Counter): Tracks conversions for visits to a webpage, but only counts one conversion per user per user session. Session length is set by the advertiser, using the value of the ord= key-value to insert a session ID. It's up to the advertiser to set and insert the session ID when the webpage containing the tag is loaded. Keep in mind, however, that Ad Manager can only consider a session ID unique within a 24-hour day, starting at midnight Eastern Time. Even if the same session ID is used on subsequent days, a new conversion will be counted for each day.

    • Items Purchased (Sales): Tracks conversions where the user has made a purchase, the monetary value of each purchase, plus the number of items that were purchased and the order ID. It's up to the advertiser to insert these values dynamically when the webpage containing the tag is loaded. The data that you pass into these tags is available through Data Transfer.

    • Transactions (Sales): Tracks conversions where the user has made a purchase, the monetary value of each purchase, plus the order ID (but not the number of items purchased). It's up to the advertiser to insert these values dynamically when the webpage containing the tag is loaded. The data that you pass into these tags is available through Data Transfer.

    • Application downloads (Counter): Tracks conversions where the user has downloaded an application and launched it for the first time (the conversion occurs when the user launches the application for the first time). Select iOS or Android.

  7. (Optional) Enter the Expected URL, which is the URL of the webpage where the tags will be placed.

  8. Click Save.

Edit or deactivate an activity

You can edit or deactivate existing activities. When you deactivate an activity, Ad Manager stops counting conversions for it, even if the tag remains on the advertiser's website.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.

  2. Click Admin and then Activity groups.

  3. Find and click the activity group where you want to edit an activity.

  4. Click the name of the activity you want to edit.

    (Optional) To deactivate an activity, click Active and select Inactive.

  5. Make any other changes, then click Save.

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