Create an IDFA message

If you use Privacy & messaging to gather consent for GDPR and other European regulations, your European users may see the European regulations message instead of the IDFA message. Learn more about which message your users see.

Follow these steps to create an IDFA message that is shown immediately before your iOS ATT alert:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Privacy & messaging.
  3. Create a new message. On the IDFA message type card:

    • Click Create if this is your first IDFA message.
    • Click Manage if you've previously created an IDFA message. Then, click Create message.
  4. Select the apps in which this message will be displayed:
    1. Click Select apps.
    2. Select the desired apps.
    3. Click Confirm
  5. Select the languages in which this message will be displayed:
    1. Default language: The message is shown in the default language when the user’s device language cannot be determined, or when the user’s device language doesn't adequately match the selected "Additional languages."
    2. Additional languages: The message can be shown to users in any of the "Additional languages" that match the user’s device language. Languages you select here should match the languages in which your app is available. You can edit the message text for each of the "Additional languages."
      If you select "Dutch" in the "Additional languages" field, a user whose device language is set to Dutch will be shown the Dutch version of the IDFA explainer message.
  6. In the "Message name" field, enter a descriptive message name that will help you identify the message later. The name is shown only in the Privacy & messaging page and won't be visible to users.
  7. (Optional) Edit and format the message to match your editorial and visual standards.
  8. When you’re ready, click Publish. Or, click Save draft to save a draft of the message and exit the message builder without publishing.

If you have the UMP SDK integrated into your app, the IDFA explainer message (or your European regulations message) will be shown to your users immediately before the iOS ATT alert. Learn about which message your users will see

If you don't want the iOS ATT alert to be triggered, unpublish the message.

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