Google Ads Editor version 2.3

What's new in Google Ads Editor?

Learn more about new features and updates in the March 2023 release of Google Ads Editor version 2.3. Download the newest version of Google Ads Editor

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New features

File support for image assets

File support is now available for image assets. Conveniently import and export image assets as files.

Card view for image assets

View your image assets as cards in addition to the table view.

Asset support

  • Legacy data will be deprecated when assets are upgraded. Learn more About assets upgrade.
  • The type list shows rearranged asset tables under the "Asset Library" folder.

Full support is available for the following assets:

  • Image assets. Legacy image assets are being migrated to upgraded assets.
  • Automatically created assets. Editor will automatically create assets and show them along with the assets you provide.
  • Location assets. Legacy location assets are being migrated to upgraded assets.
  • Business information assets. Complement text ads with your business information, such as name and logo.

Primary Display Status buttons

Certain Primary Display Status (PDS) reasons are now clickable buttons. For example, you can click on the reason why a campaign may not be serving and go to a page where you can fix the issue. The “Limited by budget” PDS button opens the edit panel on the budget text field, while the “Limited by bidding target” PDS button opens the edit panel on the bid strategy field.

Primary Display Status support

More PDS reasons are also available, including:

  • Limited by bidding target
  • Limited by budget soon

Performance Max text asset automation

You now have the ability to opt-in or opt-out of text asset automation for Performance Max campaigns. You can find this in the edit panel under “Automatically created assets,” along with Final URL expansion.

Add Google video partners recommendation

Editor now shows recommendations to add Google video partners. When you enable this recommendation, you can use the same targeting options across video partners for your video campaigns.

Bid explorer

Editor now shows several recommended bids that include projected improvements for each option. This feature is available for Target CPA and Target ROAS bid strategies. You can use the bid explorer to raise your Target CPA or lower your Target ROAS.

Location targeting

Editor now has location targeting for “radius around location groups” and “radius around all locations in linked feed.” Show your ads to users within a certain distance from your business or other places of interest.

Discovery ads and campaigns with product feeds support

Editor now supports Discovery ads and campaigns with product feeds. Show your products in Discovery ads when you add product groups to your campaign.

Proper pluralization in messages

Messages are now updated with the correct form of pluralization, which supports other languages. There are 2 plural forms available for English and up to 6 plural forms for other languages.


More notification types are now available in Editor 2.3. Editor users will now be more fully informed about the status of and key events occurring for their accounts. For notifications where the issue can be resolved in Editor, users can do so immediately. For notifications that require a visit to Google Ads online, deep links will be provided to the page in question.

Deprecated features

Top content bid adjustment

The "top content bid adjustment" setting is no longer supported and it has been removed in Editor 2.3.

Create Dynamic Search Ads recommendation

Editor version 2.3 no longer shows recommendations to create Dynamic Search Ads.

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