
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Video and rich media action names

Understand action names in Ad Manager Data Transfer

The values in the ActionName field in the video and rich media Data Transfer files represent how users interacted with your video or rich media creatives. Learn more

Video action names

Value Description
Creative view As opposed to an impression, the creativeView event indicates that an individual creative portion of the ad was viewed. An impression indicates the first frame of the ad was displayed; however, an ad may be composed of multiple creatives, or creatives that only play on some platforms and not others. The creativeView event enables ad servers to track which ad creatives are viewed, and therefore, which platforms are more common.
Start This event is used to indicate that an individual creative within the ad was loaded and playback began. As with creativeView, this event is another way of tracking creative playback.
First quartile The creative played for at least 25% of the total duration.
Midpoint The creative played for at least 50% of the total duration.
Third quartile The creative played for at least 75% of the duration.
Complete The creative was played to the end at normal speed.
Mute The user activated the mute control and muted the creative.
Unmute The user activated the mute control and unmuted the creative.
Pause The user clicked the pause control and stopped the creative.
Rewind The user activated the rewind control to access a previous point in the creative timeline.
Resume The user activated the resume control after the creative had been stopped or paused.
Full screen The user activated a control to extend the video player to the edges of the viewer's screen.
Exit full screen The user activated the control to reduce video player size to original dimensions.
Expand The user activated a control to expand the creative.
Collapse The user activated a control to reduce the creative to its original dimensions.
Accept invitation linear The user activated a control that launched an additional portion of the creative. The name of this event distinguishes it from the existing "acceptInvitation" event described in the 2008 IAB Digital Video In-Stream Ad Metrics Definitions, which defines the "acceptInvitation" metric as applying to non-linear ads only. The "acceptInvitationLinear" event extends the metric for use in linear creatives.
Accept invitation The user activated a control that launched an additional portion of the non-linear creative.
Close linear The user clicked the close button on the creative. The name of this event distinguishes it from the existing "close" event described in the 2008 IAB Digital Video In-Stream Ad Metrics Definitions, which defines the "close" metric as applying to non-linear ads only. The "closeLinear" event extends the "close" event for use in linear creatives.
Close The user clicked the close button on a non-linear creative.
Skip The user activated a skip control to skip the creative, which is a different control than the one used to close the creative.
Skip shown The skip button was shown in a skippable ad.
Progress The creative played for a duration at normal speed that is equal to or greater than the value provided in an additional attribute for offset. Offset values can be time in the format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.mmm or a percentage value in the format n%. Multiple progress events with different values can be used to track multiple progress points in the linear creative timeline.
Engaged view A user saw a skippable ad for at least 30 seconds or until completion if the ad is shorter than 30 seconds.
VAST error [code] Where [code] is the VAST error code. You can see a list of possible standard VAST error codes, and in some cases, further troubleshooting information.

Rich media action names

The values listed below are for Standard metrics. For Custom metrics, the values in the ActionName field are the name of the Custom event as defined in Ad Manager.

Value Description
Display time The number of seconds that the rich media ad is displayed to users.
Interaction time The time, in seconds, that users interact with a rich media ad. An interaction is any mouse movement that a user performs over an ad for more than one second (for example, clicking an ad or positioning the cursor over a specific part of an ad).
Interactive impressions

Occur when a user interacts with a rich media ad. Interactive impressions are captured when the user:

  • Clicks an exit link
  • Makes the ad display full-screen
  • Mouses over the ad for at least one continuous second
  • Expands the ad
Closes The number of times that a user manually closes a Floating, Expanding, Desktop Application/IM Expand, or In-page with Floating ad. 
This metric isn't tracked automatically by Studio. The ad designer must add the necessary event function to a close button for this metric to be tracked.
Backup images

The number of times that a backup image is served in place of a rich media ad. A backup image can be shown under these circumstances:

  • The user is using an unsupported browser or woperating system.
  • The Flash application isn't installed on the user's browser.
  • The Flash-published version is higher than what is installed on the user's browser.
  • The publisher implementation of iframe is incorrect or invalid.
Expanding time In seconds, that an Expanding ad is viewed in an expanded state. Any expansion times that exceed several minutes are capped. Extended expansion time can occur, for example, when a user opens an expanding ad then steps away for an hour without collapsing the ad or closing the browser. The capping rule helps prevent skewed results for average display time in reporting.
Full screen impressions In seconds, that a user views a rich media ad in full-screen mode.
Plays The number of times that a video is played.
Video view time In seconds, that a video is viewed per view. 
Complete Video plays to its completion
Video interactions A user clicks on the graphical controls of a video player. This metric is recorded by measuring any changes to the video play experience other than auto-play and auto-complete.
Pause Video is paused.
Mute Video is muted.
Replays Video is restarted.
Midpoint Video is played until the middle of its view length.
Stops Video is stopped.
Unmute Video is unmuted after starting in the mute state. 
This event is only recorded for rich media video. It isn't recorded for in-stream.

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