Update periods for changes made in Ad Manager

When will your update take effect?

General guidelines

  • Line item changes, including targeting, creatives, inventory selection, start and end dates, flight dates, impression goals, and pausing or un-pausing campaigns can take up to 10 minutes to affect ad serving.

  • Line item impression delivery will occur within 30 minutes of activation.

  • Line items targeting one or more CMS metadata sources take up to 24 hours to start delivering impressions.

  • Line item impression reporting (and line item status changes from ready to delivering) will occur within 4 hours.

  • For CPC line items, pricing rules are not applied at all during the first few days and are not applied on a small percentage of requests throughout the lifetime of the line item. This is because we need to collect data on the click-through rate, to convert the CPC to eCPM for use in the auction.

  • Network configuration-based changes, including new or edited ad units, placements, built-in styles, and labels, generally take effect within 60 minutes, but can take up to 180 minutes.

When will an order or line item go live?

A line item's ads will deliver when:

  • Today falls within the order's flight dates.

  • The line item competes for an ad call and wins.

Once a line item has started delivering valid, reportable impressions, the status of that line item will change from Ready to Delivering. It's important to note that the line item's status doesn't change as a result of the line item serving impressions that are filtered due to invalid activity.

If the status of your order hasn't yet changed from 'Approved' to 'Delivering,' simply wait a while and check again when you are more certain that the line item has served a valid, reportable impression.

When is forecasting updated?

Forecasting is updated:

  • After creating a new line item: about 60 minutes.

  • After making changes to a line item: anywhere between 1 minute and about 60 minutes depending on edits.

  • After making network configuration changes (for example, Placements, Protections, Key-values, and so forth): up to 1 day.

Changes to Inventory rules and deals

It can take up to 4 hours for newly-created Inventory rules/deals or changes to existing rules/deals to take effect.

Blocking advertiser URLs

Once you paste the advertiser site URLs into the Advertiser site list, it can take up to 4 hours for these URLs to be blocked from your pages, and ads with these URLs can appear in Creative review for up to 24 hours.

If filtered ads are still appearing after 48 hours, please contact us.

Creative review

  • Until we review the creative, the line item status shows “Ready" and "Needs creatives." 
    • We review ads every 60 minutes for Display & Video 360 users. For all other providers, we don't see the creative until the line item starts serving.
  • Creative review is updated with new ads every 20 minutes.
  • For ads that you've previously approved in Creative review, it may take up to 24 hours from the time you block a previously-approved ad before it stops showing on your pages.
  • Ad updates should take effect on your pages within a few hours.
  • Updates to ads or AdWords accounts that you've acted on in the past may take up to a day to take effect on your pages.

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