Update to Government documents and official services policy (Jan 2023)

Google provides translated versions of our Help Center, though they are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version is the official language we use to enforce our policies. To view this article in a different language, use the language dropdown at the bottom of the page.

In late March 2023, the Google Ads Government documents and official services policy will be updated in the following ways:

  • We will shift policy to an exhaustive list of in-scope categories only.
  • We will include region-specific category exclusions.
  • We will include government issued business identification as in scope of policy.
  • We will allow government authorized providers and deprecate the requirement for “delegated providers”.

We will begin enforcing the policy update on March 31, 2023, with full enforcement ramping up over approximately 6 weeks.

Since the updated policy provides an exhaustive list of in-scope categories, we are providing a link to the fully revised policy rather than including it in this change log.

Our current Government document and services policy includes a list of professional services which aren't restricted by the policy. This list isn't duplicated in the new policy because the new policy instead provides an exhaustive list of in-scope documents and services. If a document or service isn't mentioned in the policy, it is out of scope.

Violations of this policy won’t lead to immediate account suspension without prior warning. A warning will be issued, at least 7 days, prior to any suspension of your account.

Please review this policy update to determine whether or not any of your ads fall in scope of the policy, and if so, remove those ads before March 31, 2023.

(Posted on Jan 31, 2023)

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