About Marketplace packages (Beta)

This feature is in Beta
Features in Beta phase might not be available in your network. Watch the release notes for when this feature becomes generally available.
About the Beta: Marketplace packages are currently available in a limited closed beta for select CTV/OTT and audio publishers, but will soon extend to other formats including video, web, and app. If you are interested in monetizing Marketplace packages during this beta period, please reach out to your account manager.
Marketplace packages allow publishers to curate their own inventory packages for direct publication to buyer marketplaces. These packages are identified with a singular deal ID for easy sharing across buyers and are packaged on a publisher’s own criteria. Marketplace packages allow publishers to monetize their premium inventory programmatically, indirectly, and at scale, all while maintaining control over access to inventory.

Key benefits for publishers:

  • Discover new buyers at scale by surfacing packages directly to Authorized Buyers and Display & Video 360 buyer marketplaces. New buyers transacting on your inventory become potential candidates for other types of deals.
  • Control access to your inventory by making your packages public or exclusive to select bidders.
  • Create packages in an intuitive interface and workflow. Live forecasting is provided as you create your package, and eligible buyers can immediately start transacting without needing to accept the deal.
  • Package using first-party data and information that may not be available on bid requests. This option can increase discoverability of inventory through better transparency for prospective buyers.

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Get started with Marketplace packages

To find Marketplace packages in Ad Manager, click Sales and then Marketplace packages. There, you can: 

  • View a list of your Marketplace packages.
  • Track the performance of your packages.
  • Review data about the buyers transacting on a package.
Beta note: During the closed beta, publishers can have up to 10 active Marketplace packages at any time. If you are at the limit, please pause and archive your Marketplace packages before creating new ones. Note that any buyers currently transacting on packages you archive will no longer be able to transact.

Start a Marketplace package

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Sales and then Marketplace packages.
  3. Click New Marketplace package.
  4. Enter a name and select your settings.
  5. Click Save and view package.
    Note: As soon as you save, the Marketplace package is active and will be pushed out to buyer marketplaces for buyers to discover.
Change Marketplace package settings
After you create a Marketplace package, you can change any setting except package type.
  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Sales and then Marketplace packages.
  3. Find and click the name of the Marketplace package.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Edit your settings and click Save.

About Marketplace package settings

Note that after you create a Marketplace package, you can change any setting except package type.


Buyers will see the name of the package in the Marketplace.
We suggest not putting the name of your network in the package name. By default, the publisher's name will appear as a field within the buyer marketplace. For the package name, choose something descriptive and inviting for buyers to discover.


Provide transparency to buyers by describing the inventory included in the package.
Adding descriptions (such as information not available on a bid request, headlines, statistics, and metrics) could help attract buyers.

Seller contacts

Provide seller contact email(s) so that Marketplace buyers can reach out with any additional inquiries.
Package type
Choose the access settings for your package.
Packages can be set as Public (available to all buyers to discover and transact) or Exclusive (available only to select buyers).
Note that Exclusive package types currently support inviting bidders or DSPs only.
Once the package is created, this setting can't be changed.

Invite bidders (only for exclusive packages)

Choose the bidders or DSPs that have pre-approval to bid on the package.
This setting is only available for exclusive packages. Buyers will not be able to transact on this package unless they are part of the list of bidders that have been invited.
You can remove bidders at any time. Removed bidders stop getting requests with the respective deal ID.
Open Auction optimization (only for exclusive packages)
By default, bids from the Open Auction will compete concurrently and equally with bids from the Marketplace package. Publishers can choose to grant allowed buyers of the exclusive Marketplace package priority over Open Auction. 
Note that setting priority may reduce the effectiveness of a backfill auction, as bids with higher priority will win the auction over bids with lower priority, irrespective of the actual bid price.
Floor price (only for exclusive packages)
Unified pricing rules apply to all Marketplace packages. If priority over Open Auction is granted to the exclusive package, publishers can choose to apply a floor price to buyers of the exclusive package. Both the unified pricing floor and the Marketplace package price floor will apply to buyers of the exclusive package.


Use targeting for the inventory you want to offer buyers in the Marketplace packages. 
To learn more about the targeting picker, visit Add targeting.
Beta note: In the closed beta, we are only allowing packages to be created of CTV/OTT inventory. These packages will be published directly to TV marketplaces. Please be aware of this distinction when you create targeting for your Marketplace packages during this beta.

Traffic forecast

Marketplace packages provide a traffic forecast that updates in real time as you update the targeting for your package.
The traffic forecast represents the estimated overall number of impressions that may serve in the package. To open a new window in the traffic explorer page, under "Traffic forecast," click View in traffic explorer.

Archive a Marketplace package

Archiving stops the package from transacting as a Marketplace package.

To archive:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Sales and then Marketplace packages.
  3. Under “Name,” select the Marketplace package you want to archive.
  4. Above the table, click Archive.

To unarchive:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Sales and then Marketplace packages.
  3. To view archived packages:
    1. Remove the Archived is false filter if it's applied.
    2. Click Add new filter and then Archived and then True and then Apply.
  4. Under “Name,” check the box for the Marketplace package you want to unarchive.
  5. Above the table, click Unarchive
    Unarchived packages will immediately start transacting in buyer marketplaces.

Understand Marketplace package performance

There are a number of ways you can leverage the reports for Marketplace packages:

  • Track overall performance of your Marketplace packages in "Sales" and then "Marketplace packages."
  • Click into a package to track performance by buyer for the last 7 days. Use this feature to identify new buyers you might want to approach for deals, or to block certain buyers you don't want to transact. The bidder/DSP that the buyer is affiliated with displays in parentheses.
  • Report on overall Marketplace package performance with the Programmatic channel dimension.
Note: Marketplace packages are treated as a distinct transaction type with behavior similar to that of Private Auctions and Open Auction. At default, Marketplace packages perform at Open Auction priority as an indirect non-guaranteed line item. 

Tips for Marketplace packages

  • Similar to the setup for Private Auctions, an Ad Exchange line item or Yield Group needs to be set up for the inventory you have within a public Marketplace package for it to transact.
    Note: This doesn’t apply to exclusive Marketplace packages. Buyers invited to an exclusive Marketplace package can transact immediately without the need for an Ad Exchange line item or yield group to be set up.
  • It may take a couple days for newly created or newly reactivated packages to start transacting and performing. The forecasts shown to buyer marketplaces are based on weekly forecasts, and new packages can take up to 7 days to fully populate the forecast. Additionally, for spend to be attributed to these newly created packages, buyers have to discover and explicitly target the deal ID.
  • Marketplace packages can fit well into both your indirect and direct monetization strategy. Consider reaching out to buyers buying your marketplace packages for direct deal making. Similarly, exclusive Marketplace packages can be an easy way to expose existing buyers and bidders you have relationships with to new types of inventory and packages.
  • Unified pricing rules apply to your Marketplace package inventory. Use them to set pricing floors for your inventory.
  • The publisher name displayed in buyer marketplaces is set in the parent publisher profile under "Display name."

Beta note: A number of additional features and product improvements are planned for Marketplace packages during and after the closed beta. Please reach out to your account manager if you have any feedback to provide.

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