About performance reports for booking links

In the 'Reports' tab of Hotel Centre, you can view the number of free-of-charge and paid booking link clicks that you received per property ID, user country or device. You can also download a CSV file containing your booking links' click performance. If you don't have any booking link clicks, both the CSV file and the page will be empty.

To view booking link data, sign in to your Hotel Centre account and select Reports > Performance.

If you share your rates with Google through your Business Profile, you can learn more about reporting and ranking through our frequently asked questions.

Note: Hotel Centre only reflects data for paid booking links from 1 December 2022 to the current date.

Performance summary

Use the 'Performance overview' card at the top of the page to preview a snapshot summary of your booking links' key metrics (impressions, clicks and CTR) from the last 30 days. This data can take up to 2–3 days to fully populate in your report.

Booking link report

The 'Booking link report' table will show data for all property IDs for a selected date range. Each metric and attribute in the booking link report table can be displayed as a column, so you can customise your report with the data that is most relevant to you. Besides the key metrics already found on the 'Performance overview' card, the 'Booking link report' table also includes price competitiveness reporting columns that allow you to view your data based on how your prices are performing compared to others. Learn more about price competitiveness reporting.

Select 'Add a filter' to view data based on device type, price bucket, property ID, property name or user location (by country). To view the data in more detail, try selecting multiple attributes at once. For example, you can filter by both property ID and user location to analyse those insights. To add or remove columns on the report table:

  1. Click Add a grouping.
  2. Select the tick boxes next to the metrics that you want to display as columns.
  3. Click Apply.

The report will now show the metrics that you selected.

Price competitiveness reporting

In the 'Booking link report' table, you can click into the 'Free booking link price parity' tab, which includes two price competitiveness reporting columns, price bucket and price difference percentage.

Note: These columns compare data using the total price displayed, with taxes and fees. This is true regardless of any other factors, like user location.

  • Price bucket: Describes how competitive your room rate was.
    • Only price shown: Your price was the only one shown for the itinerary.
    • Uniquely lowest price: You had the lowest price, and no other prices shown were within a certain percentage of that price.
    • Tied for lowest price: You're within a certain percentage of the lowest price, but so are one or more other competitors.
    • Not lowest price: Your price isn't within a certain percentage of the lowest price shown, but so are one or more other competitors.
  • Price difference percentage: The percentage difference between your average daily price and the average cheapest daily price of your competitors. The price difference may not be defined if the number of impressions with a competitor is zero.

Download a report

To download the booking link report, click the 3-dot menu on the right side of the table and select 'Download as CSV'.

Note: The maximum number of booking link results that can be downloaded at the same time is 10,000. This means that the downloaded report can't have more than 10,000 entries even if more entries are available.

Booking link impressions

The 'Booking link impressions' graph shows the number of impressions that your booking links have received during a selected date range. Similar to the 'Booking link clicks' graph, the 'Booking link impressions' graph will show data for all impression types.

Note: The number of free booking link impressions is rounded to preserve user privacy. The number of paid booking link impressions isn't rounded.

Booking link clicks

The 'Booking link clicks' graph shows the number of clicks that your booking links have received during a selected date range. By default, data for all click types will be shown. You can then click to show data based on 'Property ID', 'User location', 'Device type', 'Property location', 'Booking window days', 'Length of stay', 'Occupancy' and 'Brand'.

Note: The graphs for 'Property ID', 'User location', 'Device type', 'Property location', 'Booking window days', 'Length of stay', 'Occupancy' and 'Brand' are currently limited to show the top five by clicks in each category.

Booking link click-through rate (CTR)

The 'Booking link CTR' graph shows the CTR for your booking links during a selected date range. By default, data for all CTR types will be shown.

Additional interactions (Suppliers only)

'Additional interactions' shows the performance of non-booking clicks such as calls, website clicks and search result clicks. 'Search result clicks' shows the number of clicks that your properties' official websites received via text result links.

By default, the graph shows data for the total of all of these click types. You can filter the data by using the corresponding buttons above the graph.

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