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Filter content based on TV Rating

Turn on the "Allow TV-Y, TV-G, G, and PG only" setting to filter which programs can be watched on YouTube TV. Once turned on, only TV programs with a rating of TV-Y, TV-Y7, VT-Y7-V7, TV-G, or movies with a rating of G and PG, will be available.

Note: YouTube videos will not be available in YouTube TV while this setting is enabled.

How to turn on this setting

On your mobile device

To turn on this setting in YouTube TV:

  1. Tap your profile photo .
  2. Tap Settings  and then Filter .
  3. Turn on Allow TV-Y, TV-G, G, and PG only.
Note: This setting turns on the filter for one device only. To enable Allow TV-Y, TV-G, G, and PG only for several members, turn the filter on for each device tied to an account.

On your TV

To turn on this setting in YouTube TV on your TV:
  1. Select your profile photo .
  2. Tap Settings  and then Ratings filter .
  3. Turn on Allow up to PG, Allow up to TV-14, or Allow all content.

On your computer

To turn on this setting in YouTube TV on your computer:
  1. Select your profile photo .
  2. Tap Settings  and then Ratings filter .
  3. Turn on Allow up to PG, Allow up to TV-14, or Allow all content.

What you will see in YouTube TV

When you turn on this setting:

  • Programs not rated TV-Y, TV-Y7, YT-Y7-FV, G, and PG will be unavailable, including some network TV shows and all YouTube shows.
  • Programs not rated TV-Y, TV-Y7, YT-Y7-FV, G, and PG won't appear in search results or under "Next" or "Recommended" on a program page.
  • Programs not rated TV-Y, TV-Y7, YT-Y7-FV, G, and PG will be removed from the Home tab and the Library tab. On the Live tab, a channel may still appear but the content will be unplayable and live previews will be turned off. Learn more about unavailable content on YouTube TV.
Note: This setting turns on the filter for one device only. To turn on "Allow TV-Y, TV-Y7, G, and PG" for several members, turn it on for each device tied to an account.

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