If you're seeing an unexpected charge from YouTube TV on your credit card or bank account, read below for why you may have been charged. For account sign-in issues, click here. For video streaming issues, click here.
I was charged for a free trial
I was charged too much
Adjustment to the tax rate: You may see minor fluctuations in your monthly billing charge. This is due to changes in tax rates related to your paid membership. Taxes on YouTube purchases are based on tax laws where you're located, and can change over time due to local tax requirements. You can learn more here and find receipts for your transactions, including any tax applied, in Google Pay.
Authorization holds: You may see an authorization hold for an amount similar to your monthly billing charge. These authorizations happen so YouTube can make sure the card is valid. YouTube also checks that you have enough funds in your account to make the purchase - but they are not an actual charge.
You can see the billing charges for your YouTube paid memberships by visiting http://youtube.com/purchases.
I was charged multiple times
Here are the most common reasons you’re seeing multiple charges from YouTube:
You have more than one account with a YouTube paid membership: You or someone with access to your form of payment may have signed up using another email address, device, or billing platform. First, try signing in using a different Google Account that belongs to you, and check for active memberships.
- Then, check for other Google Accounts you might be signed in with:
- Click your profile picture
- Click Switch account.
- You should see a check mark next to the account that you're currently signed in with. If you see another account listed that also belongs to you, tap on it to switch to that account.
- Check if your other account is signed up for a paid membership by visiting http://youtube.com/purchases. If there are no other accounts listed, you can always try signing in using other Google Accounts that belong to you and check for active memberships.
- Click your profile picture
You may be seeing a charge for a different Google subscription or service: Check the "Activity" in your Google Pay account to confirm the details on the charge and to verify if it is from a YouTube paid membership.
You may be seeing an authorization hold or “pending” charge: These authorizations happen so YouTube can make sure the card is valid. YouTube also checks that you have enough funds in your account to make the purchase - but they are not an actual charge.