View song credits in YouTube Music

Discover the writers and producers behind your favorite tracks. Expand your music knowledge and view song credits in the YouTube Music app and YouTube Music on web (mobile and desktop).

Explore writers and producers in YouTube Music

The song credits page displays writers, producers, and performers for a selected song. To learn more about your favorite songs,

  1. Open YouTube Music and search for a song, or select a song from your Library.
  2. Tap Menu  and then View song credits .

Get song credits

View song credits  will appear when writers or producers are included in the metadata delivered to YouTube by your label or distributor.

If a song credits page is missing or has an error, get in touch with your label or distributor.

Some labels and distributors don’t include writers and producers in their metadata deliveries. To confirm that your credits are shared with YouTube, get in touch with your label or distributor.

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