Parents who decide their child under 13 (or the relevant age in their country/region) is ready to explore YouTube can set up a supervised account. Supervised accounts are linked to a parent's own Google Account.
When a parent sets up a supervised account, they select a content setting that limits the videos and music their pre-teen can play. Learn more about pre-teen supervised accounts.
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Create a supervised account
Before creating a supervised account for your pre-teen, make sure you’ve created a Google Account for them.
Choose one of these options to create a supervised account:
Option 1: From YouTube or YouTube Music on a child's device
Option 2: From on the web
Option 3: From the Family Link app
Get started
To begin the supervised experience on YouTube:
- Update apps: If your child uses a mobile device, make sure all their YouTube apps are up to date.
- Sign in: Sign your child into YouTube on all the devices they use.
There are several parental controls and settings available for your pre-teen’s supervised experience.
- To confirm YouTube Music is available in your country or region, check this list of available locations.
- To download the YouTube or YouTube Music app, parents should review their Content & Privacy Restrictions settings on their child’s iOS device.