🚩 New video level notification metrics in YouTube Analytics
In June 2019, we introduced new subscriber Notification metrics in YouTube Analytics to help creators understand what percentage of their channel’s subscriber base is setup to get notifications.
Today, we’re introducing additional notification metrics in YouTube Analytics that will provide insights at the video level and help creators better understand the delivery and impact of notifications for their videos. These metrics are rolling out today and will be available to all creators over the next few weeks:
- Bell notification sends: the number of notifications sent based on the number of subscribers that enabled YouTube notifications on their device and tuned on the bell.
- Views from bell notifications: the number of views generated from bell notifications.
- CTR (Click-through Rate) for bell notifications: the percentage of notifications opened and that resulted in a view. Note: The CTR for bell notifications has a YouTube benchmark of 0.5% - 2.5% – you'll see this benchmark in YouTube Analytics next to your video level data for comparison.
- Types of notifications breakdown: bell notifications, email, and other app notifications (personalized, digest, and inbox notifications).
Most videos will see 100% of bell notifications sent, but in the event that some notifications are not sent, you will be able to see the reason on YouTube Analytics. Here are some examples:
- “Limited to 3 videos per 24 hours“: after 3 videos are published within 24h, most subscribers will stop receiving notifications for the 4th video. We limit the number of bell notifications as this helps prevent subscribers from getting too many and turning them off altogether, as observed in previous experiments.
- “Too many videos published at once”: if you publish more than 3 videos at once, we stop notifications for all videos. Publishing videos in bulk can overwhelm subscribers and our notification systems.
- “You chose not to notify subscriber“: you selected not to send notifications in the upload flow by unchecking the “Publish to subscriptions feed and notify subscribers” box.
- “You set this video to private/unlisted”: you set the video to private or unlisted quickly after making it public. We do this to prevent subscribers from receiving notifications for a video they might not be able to watch.
We hope these new metrics will bring more transparency to how notifications are delivered and their impact on your video performance. Learn more in this Help Center article and this video on the YouTube Creators channel.
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Camilla (TeamYouTube)
1 Video
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Last edited Feb 10, 2020
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