
Update as of 8pm pt on 2/13/25: We’ve reached a short term extension as we work toward a deal with Paramount to keep their content on YouTube TV. YouTube TV subscribers continue to have access to Paramount channels, including CBS, and any recordings that are in their Library. We appreciate your patience as we continue to negotiate on your behalf. We also value Paramount's partnership and willingness to work towards an agreement.

YouTube Researcher Program Application

This form will ask for information about:

(i) your research,

(ii) your research institution and affiliation,

(iii) your API Client, and

(iv) your API Client's access to and usage of YouTube API Services (current and proposed use, as applicable)

We will use the information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy and the Researcher Program Policy & Terms 

* Required field

Please select the option applicable *
Have there been any changes to the Research related details since your last application? (Example: Research proposal, publication date, field of research etc) *
General Information
About your organization as it relates to YouTube
Actively monitored email address for service announcements or contacts for further information.
Select the organization from the drop-down.
If your university is not listed, please select the option "Other" and enter it manually
Job Title *
Project Information
Reason for filling the form *
Researchers are granted quotas and access to the YouTube’s API systems and data for the period of their research, subject to periodic compliance audits. Quota and access to the program may be revoked following completion of research or publication, whichever is first.
Please provide a project proposal that includes: research problem to be solved, YouTube Data to be used, project timeline, key milestones and outcomes, and how YouTube can support your research in the future. Please include a link to your shared Google Doc OR copy and paste text in the field below. (1500 characters maximum)
Character count must be between 50-1500 characters.
Is your research affiliated or sponsored by government or non-government entity *

API Client Information

An "API Client" is, as defined in the YouTube API Developer Policies, any website or software application that accesses or uses the YouTube API Services and includes, without limitation, any and all software applications you use to access and collect YouTube data with the YouTube API Services

The project number is a series of digits that can be found alongside the Project ID in your Google Cloud Console. Please comma separate the project numbers without additional spaces
A project number must contain exclusively numeric values
Is this a publicly or privately available API Client? *
Please include similar data and interface as if a user was using the account.
Does your API Client commercialize YouTube Data? *
Does this API Client display data from, or provide features or services across, multiple platforms (ex: Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? *
For example, does this API Client display data obtained from YouTube beside or in conjunction with data from other sources?
Are you requesting additional quota? *
Are you requesting additional quota *
Quota Information
Only fill out and submit this section if you are nearing your allocated quota limit
Enter your project number as shown on Google Developer Console
Must be a numeric value
Enter your organization number as shown on Google Developer Console
Must be a numeric value
Provide a detailed breakdown :
- Expected growth and timelines
- Arithmetic calculations justifying the additional quota
- Daily usage pattern (total number of calls and peak QPS)
- Expected number of calls
Character count must be between 50-1500 characters.
Character count must be between 50-1500 characters.
Ex: decreased feature set, estimated change in usage, etc.
Character count must be between 50-1500 characters.
Note : Please upload one file smaller than 10MBMultiple file uploads and file size greater than 10 MB will result in an error during submission
Acknowledgement of API ToS and DP
I have read and agree to the YouTube API Services Terms of Service (including the Developer Policies and Google Privacy Policy) and my current and proposed access to, and use of, YouTube API Service(s) does and will comply with the YouTube API Services Terms of Service. *
If I provide a demo account and instructions on how Google can access my API Client, I understand and agree that Google is not bound to any terms of service or policies that applies to such account or access to my API Client. *
I have read and agree to the the Researcher Program Policy & Terms and agree and understand

(i) my acceptance by and participation in the YouTube Researcher Program is subject to the Researcher Program Policy & Terms and

(ii) my access to, and use of, YouTube API Service(s), including without limitation all data obtained by me through the YouTube API Service(s), does and will comply with the Researcher Program Policy and Terms.
The above facts are true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that should the above facts be found to be untrue, YouTube may terminate my API Client's access to the YouTube API Services as per YouTube's Terms of Service and Developer Policies *$0
Some account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.
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