Trademark Complaint

Please understand that YouTube is not in a position to mediate trademark disputes between users and trademark owners. YouTube is willing to perform a limited investigation of reasonable complaints and will remove content in clear cases of infringement. Please note, abuse of our legal forms may result in termination of your YouTube account.

YouTube offers robust Privacy Guidelines and other Community Guidelines that outline the type of content that is and isn't allowed on YouTube. To expedite the review, you should report content that violates these YouTube policies before submitting a YouTube legal request.

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Complainant’s information

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Trademark Details

First Trademark to Report
Registered? *
Due to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, investigations of trademark complaints regarding the EU will no longer include the UK. If you would like us to investigate a trademark complaint in the UK, you will need to separately provide UK trademark rights in any complaint submissions.
Second Trademark to Report
Registered? *
Due to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, investigations of trademark complaints regarding the EU will no longer include the UK. If you would like us to investigate a trademark complaint in the UK, you will need to separately provide UK trademark rights in any complaint submissions.
Third Trademark to Report
Registered? *
Due to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, investigations of trademark complaints regarding the EU will no longer include the UK. If you would like us to investigate a trademark complaint in the UK, you will need to separately provide UK trademark rights in any complaint submissions.
Fourth Trademark to Report
Registered? *
Due to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, investigations of trademark complaints regarding the EU will no longer include the UK. If you would like us to investigate a trademark complaint in the UK, you will need to separately provide UK trademark rights in any complaint submissions.
Fifth Trademark to Report
Registered? *
Due to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, investigations of trademark complaints regarding the EU will no longer include the UK. If you would like us to investigate a trademark complaint in the UK, you will need to separately provide UK trademark rights in any complaint submissions.

Supporting Documents

Content Details

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Legal Affirmations

Please check if you agree with the following statements. We will not accept your claim if you do not check these boxes:
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Agree to the following statement: *
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We encourage parties to resolve trademark disputes directly.

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